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Commissioner Gordon said as long as interest rates remain low, they can use <br /> alternative financing instead of a bond referendum. She said this process is a balancing act. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked for clarification on the sequence of the process. <br /> Clarence Grier said staff will ask the LGC first, in order to determine how much can be <br /> approved. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he feels that the committee should decide the needs not the amount. <br /> He said if interest rates are low, the committee structure can then be used to talk about things <br /> like affordable housing. He said at least everyone can be at the table to decide a common <br /> purpose. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Clarence Grier to do a review of the 2001 bonds, including the <br /> percentage by which they were approved; the size of the budget then; and whether they did a <br /> 7 cent increase due to bonds. He said a lot of the tax increases are due to voter approved <br /> bonds. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Bonnie Hammersley for an agenda or timeline for a May 2016 <br /> bond, as well as an identification of what the categories would be. He would like to see this <br /> before the break in December. <br /> Chair Jacobs said in his opinion Durham Tech is not ready for County to give them money until <br /> there is a strategic plan in place for their property. He would like to see them be more <br /> coordinated. <br /> Clarence Grier said over the past year, he has had more calls about bonds from <br /> competing interests. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the committee needs to be told the total amount of money <br /> for the bond, and then they can decide the needs. She said this will be the cleanest way to do <br /> it. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked staff for an assimilation of what was said tonight to be presented at <br /> the September 30th meeting with the school boards. He thinks the school board needs to know <br /> what the process is, and he would like to hear their priorities. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded Commissioner Rich to adjourn <br /> the meeting at 9:54 pm. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Barry Jacobs, Chair <br /> Donna Baker <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />