Minutes 09-11-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-11-2014
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/24/2015 11:51:53 AM
Creation date
10/22/2014 9:10:05 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 09-11-2014 - Agenda
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total a combined $73.2 million dollars, and both projects are included in the current County <br /> Capital Investment Plan for the fiscal years 2015 - 2020. It is not anticipated that the new jail <br /> project will be included in a potential general obligation bond referendum, but would be <br /> financed with alternative financing. Orange County Schools has indicated the need for a new <br /> Elementary #8. That project is not scheduled until FY 2021-2022, but could be a potential <br /> project for inclusion in a potential bond referendum. <br /> Additionally, as previously mentioned, both school districts have older facility needs totaling <br /> approximately $330 million that could potentially be addressed in part with a general obligation <br /> bond referendum. <br /> Additionally, in order to afford additional debt, the County would potentially have to increase <br /> the property tax rate 2.82 cents for the new debt service. This projected tax increase would not <br /> include 1) any future other operating expenditure increases or 2) any future operating <br /> expenditure increases related directly to the new facilities and schools being built. <br /> Based on current projects included in the County's Capital Investment Plan and future debt <br /> service, the County could afford additional debt of the following after FY2018 — 19: <br /> Fiscal Year Capacity <br /> 2016 $34,762,073 <br /> 2017 21,359,811 <br /> 2018 29,089,027 <br /> 2019 11,405,556 <br /> 2020 17,808,611 <br /> Total $114,425,078 <br /> The Board of County Commissioners will need to finalize its decisions regarding outstanding <br /> issues such as the need for a future jail and school, and any other potential projects that would <br /> be financed with alternative financing and an approved bond referendum. Furthermore, the <br /> decision to start an educational campaign and appoint a Capital Needs Advisory Task Force <br /> will need to be completed as soon as possible. <br /> Clarence Grier said there is not a financial impact with the information being provided. There <br /> will be a financial impact in future years as decisions are made to proceed with a bond <br /> referendum and issuing debt for future County and School projects. All projects that are being <br /> considered are currently in the County's Capital Investment Plan. <br /> It is currently expected that projects totaling $100 million will be financed with the issuance of <br /> general obligation or limited obligation bonds over a period not to exceed 20 years. At current <br /> municipal bond interest rates, the total combined debt service is estimated to be $6.1.million <br /> annually. This would represent 4.00 cents on the current property tax rate. Based the County <br /> current budget and budgeted revenues, the County could afford an additional $25,000,000 of <br /> additional general obligation debt capacity for a potential bond referendum if General Fund <br /> revenues remain consistent. At current municipal bond interest rates, the total combined debt <br /> service for $125 million is estimated to $7.6 million annually. This would represent 4.67 cents <br /> on the current property tax rate. <br /> Clarence Grier said as a result of the budget being $200 million staff wanted to look at <br /> debt capacity again to see how much additional could be afforded on a bond referendum. He <br /> said $10 million was appropriated, so the revenue was $100 million to pay for debt service on <br /> the bond. He said the revenues for the 2013/14 fiscal year were approximately $196 million. <br /> He said there was a property tax increase of 2 cents, which will add an additional $3.2 million, <br /> so the total expected revenue is approximately $197 to $199 million. <br />
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