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Bonnie Hammersley said she would be the main contact for any kind of <br /> communications in a crisis and she would involve all that need to be involved. She said a plan <br /> would be put together to get information out as soon as possible. <br /> Commissioner Price asked who she should call in the event of a flood, fire or other <br /> emergency. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she should call the County Manager. She said there is a call <br /> tree that she will share with the Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said there were questions during the flood about whether <br /> Chapel Hill or the County was the prime contact. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said they were not sure what Bonnie Hammersley asked the <br /> PIO to do with the assessment from the departments and how it relates to the work of the <br /> group. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said this information will be shared with the group once it is <br /> complete. She said a call tree has been put together amongst the towns and the County by <br /> the SWAG group and this can be used by anyone. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if it is reasonable to ask the Strategic Communications Group to <br /> handle the emergency information first. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said they would be happy to do that. She said she and Jim <br /> Groves have been working on a virtual meeting plan that she would be happy to share. She <br /> did not realize the Board did not know what would happen in the event of an emergency. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he assumes this would include a plan for how to communicate when <br /> everyone can't be in one room. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she filled out the Board of County Commissioners matrix in <br /> response to a request from the group. She read some specific questions and statements, and <br /> she asked if high level input is desired. <br /> Chair Jacobs said they had a retreat two years ago that was dedicated to <br /> communication. He suggested this might be interesting information to look back at, and it <br /> expresses the will of the Board. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the group will review the background information and the <br /> interviews Rod Visser did with the Commissioners. <br /> 5. Potential Bond Issuance and Debt Capacity <br /> Clarence Grier reviewed some of the following background information from the <br /> abstract: <br /> Over the past fiscal year, the Board of County Commissioners has discussed the need for a <br /> future bond referendum to fund some County and school long-range capital needs. As recently <br /> discussed by the Board of County Commissioners and both school districts (Chapel Hill — <br /> Carrboro City Schools and Orange County Schools), part of the incentive for going forward <br /> with a potential general obligation bond referendum is the repair, renovation, and upgrading of <br /> existing and older school facilities. <br /> The County maintains excellent bond ratings. <br /> S&P -AAA <br /> Fitch -AAA <br /> Moody's —AAA <br /> The issuance of debt for two of the County's largest projects most recently discussed — New <br /> County Jail Facility and Middle School #5 for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School District— <br />