Minutes 09-11-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-11-2014
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/24/2015 11:51:53 AM
Creation date
10/22/2014 9:10:05 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 09-11-2014 - Agenda
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The ACA measures full time status month by month. A seasonal employee who works an <br /> average of 30 hours per week during any month must be offered health care coverage for the <br /> month worked unless the employer takes certain actions. <br /> Employers subject to the employer mandate may adopt a "measurement period" longer than a <br /> month to measure the full time status of employees. This provides an average of hours worked <br /> recognizing seasonal and temporary employees. <br /> Additionally, the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System defines <br /> an employee" as any person who is regularly employed in a regular position, the duties of <br /> which require not less than 1,000 hours or more in a twelve-month period. Such employees are <br /> subject to membership in the retirement system and would be required to contribute 6% of all <br /> earnings to the Retirement System, and the County would contribute the required employer <br /> amount (currently 7.41%). <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said she does not think that Orange County is employing their <br /> temporary employees over the recommended hours. <br /> Commissioner porosin said there was a reference to 22 employees that worked more <br /> than part time hours and the fact that this has been fixed. He asked how this was fixed. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said some of the temporary employees did not continue on into <br /> this fiscal year and some were made permanent during the last budget process. She said <br /> another issue with the departments was just bringing this matter to their attention and looking <br /> at the hours to consider whether a full time position was needed. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked what conclusion should be drawn. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said she brought the positions that were of concern to the <br /> directors, and there was direction to follow the ACA and the County's policy. She said anyone <br /> seasonal or part time is called a temporary employee. She said a part timer is some one that <br /> works 20 hours or less on a regular basis, while a seasonal worker is employed only for a <br /> certain season, and then they are terminated once that season over. She said staff can look <br /> at better classifying these employees by title. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked about the large variation of the wages listed in <br /> attachment B. He asked how the hourly wage is set, and whether the salaries are related to <br /> the duties and the equivalent full time position. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said a lot of the lower wages are for the seasonal workers or <br /> interns. She said the job responsibilities do measure up to the rates, and some are very <br /> specialized and may be done under a grant. She said the salaries are driven by the job <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if someone working for the Department of Environment, <br /> Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) would make an hourly wage that would be <br /> equivalent pay to the full time salary. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said yes. She noted that these figures represent wages from <br /> 2013-14, and the living wage was implemented in 2014-15. She said part time workers are <br /> paid nearly as much per hour as a permanent worker. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked how to ensure that employees and seasonal workers know <br /> about approved wage increases. She cited a specific instance of poll employees being <br /> unaware of an increase that had occurred. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said she did send a memo out to all employees on this issue. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there are ever issues with overtime. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said only employees who work over 40 hours would be eligible for <br /> overtime. She said even employees hired for 20 hours, who work more than that are not <br /> eligible for overtime. She said these employees should not be consistently working over part <br /> time hours, and she would address issues like that to make sure there is no violation of the <br />
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