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Commissioner McKee said this would be item # 24. <br /> Greg Wilder suggested following the format of the other items by adjusting the verbs as <br /> needed, which would include the addition of the phrase "support legislation to." <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> adopt the entire resolution with the inclusion of the two additional items referencing support for <br /> school funding and voting issues and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution and direct the <br /> Clerk to the Board to forward the approved resolution, the completed NCACC Legislative <br /> Goals Proposal Forms, and any other related materials to NCACC by the September 19, 2014 <br /> deadline. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Employee Benefits and Recommendations Effective January 1, 2015 (8:45-9:20) <br /> The Board considered the County Manager's recommendations for employee health <br /> insurance and other benefits effective January 1, 2015. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said these benefit recommendations were presented at the <br /> September 11 th work session. <br /> She said option 1 was for a 13 percent renewal rate increase to the County, beginning <br /> January 1, 2015, for 6 months with no costs being shifted to employees. She said the second <br /> option was for a 9 percent increase, to include benefit changes to the co-pay and pharmacy <br /> amounts. She said the County Manager is recommending option 1. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley repeated the recommendation and said this will put the health <br /> insurance back into the budget process, as it will now coincide with the fiscal year. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked for clarification on the timing. He asked if the idea is to <br /> bring together the calendars for the insurance and the County budget and that is the reason <br /> for the 6 month window. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said yes. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if during the budget process the next installment will go <br /> from July 1 to June 30tn <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that is correct, and the insurance plan will now always reflect <br /> the fiscal year. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about health retiree benefits. <br /> Diane Shepherd said the benefits for pre-65 retirees are the same as active <br /> employees. She said after a retiree reaches age 65, they go on to Medicare, and the County <br /> provides a supplement in part D. She said this is budgeted separately from active employees, <br /> and it is a different document during budget process. She said retirees will have the same <br /> plan year as the employees. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the County is picking up the difference to the employee during <br /> the 6 month period. She asked what happens after this. <br /> Mark Browder said next spring staff will come back with renewal projections and costs <br /> for the fiscal year 15-16. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if staff is anticipating that it will not go up. <br /> Mark Browder said he would not commit to that, but he feels good that costs will not go <br /> up that much. <br />