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In general, bans are sometimes the least effective and most onerous means of saving landfill <br />space. Staff suggests that if the Board were to consider additional bans, that it consider banning <br />a limited number of items, and that it do so only after an in-depth community discussion about <br />the utility of further bans. The community overall has had a negative experience lately with bans <br />and additional bans may create more of adversarial relationships around solid waste issues in <br />Orange County. <br />Extending to the residential sector enforcement of the existing ban for corrugated cardboard and <br />adding a ban on cathode ray tubes (CRTs) may be worth further investigation and consideration. <br />They are the easiest to enforce, least likely to meet strong public resistance, provide for a <br />reasonable implementation timeframe and strong, low cost and readily available recycling <br />options exist for these items. <br />Adding rigid plastics to convenience centers and drop-off sites would fit within the current <br />overall departmental operational and financial structure and can be implemented in a time frame <br />to extend landfill life those few critical months projected as necessary to bridge the gap from <br />landfill closure date to transfer station opening. <br />Efforts being undertaken by the Solid Waste Plan Work Group on commercial waste, <br />franchising, rural waste collection, financing and an overall integrated plan have a much longer <br />planning horizon, are more complex and potentially more effective in the big picture of meeting <br />County solid waste goals. Staff recognizes the Board's concern that the new transfer station <br />siting process may require more immediate steps. Considering the resources required to plan <br />and implement the program augmentations and expansions described in this report, it is not <br />possible to implement all options, and staff believe that the effort to save landfill space is most <br />likely to be successful by focusing on two or three top priorities. <br />While these highlighted measures are not necessarily, the largest space savers, staff is reasonably <br />sure of their utility, acceptance from residents, based on public feedback and our ability to <br />implement them effectively in the short time allotted, as they build on current program <br />infrastructure, existing markets and internal financing structures. <br />Based on direction from the Board, staff could proceed with additional review, planning and <br />implementation of the programmatic recommendations and could present an agenda item for <br />BOCC consideration at an upcoming BOCC meeting. Where funding is required' beyond <br />existing approved FY 2007/08 budget capabilities, staff would return to the BOCC for necessary <br />authorization. The CRT ban, if pursued by the County, would require an ordinance amendment <br />following established protocols. <br />6