Orange County NC Website
be available for other human service needs as identified in the space study and/or other <br /> uses as the Board deems appropriate. <br /> If the Board so directs, staff will negotiate an agreement for Board consideration in fall <br /> 2007. <br /> Financing <br /> All costs for leases, utilities, and most furnishings, etc. are not depreciated and are <br /> reimbursed when reported. For example,the County could bill the monthly rental costs <br /> and receive reimbursement for the State each month. The reimbursement rate is <br /> estimated to be approximately 55% overall, which would allow the County's net payout <br /> on a, f6r example, $300,000 annual lease amount to be around$165,000. <br /> Larger purchases such as modular furniture would be depreciated at the same 55%rate <br /> over a 10-year period as prescribed by the State and would be reimbursed annually. <br /> A funding proposal will be presented to the Board contemporaneously with a lease <br /> document in the fall 2007. The funding proposal will include anticipated offset through <br /> DSS reimbursements as well as opportunities to generate additional rental revenue <br /> through partnering with rent-paying agencies whose programming may be compatible <br /> with that of DSS. <br />