Orange County NC Website
C. Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. Landscaping shall be installed or preserved as indicated on the approved <br />landscape plan, and shall be inspected and approved by the Planning and <br />Inspections Department prior to signatures on final plat. No part of the <br />landscaping shall encroach into the 10' x 70' sight triangles at <br />intersections. <br />OR <br />Guaranteed financially through a letter of credit or escrow agreement <br />submitted to secure required landscape installation and preservation. An <br />estimate of the cost for required preservation, plantings and their <br />installation must be provided. The financial guarantee shall reflect 110 <br />percent of the estimate and be issued by an accredited financial institution <br />licensed to do business in North Carolina in a form approved by the <br />County Attorney. <br />Provisions for protection of existing trees as shown on the approved <br />landscape plan shall be included in a document describing development <br />restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and <br />recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. No clear cutting on individual <br />lots is permitted pursuant to section IV-B-8-c of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations. <br />2. The applicant shall provide additional plantings along Moorefields Road <br />as indicated on the Preliminary Plan. <br />D. ®rainage <br />1. Drainage Easements shall be located on the final plat as required <br />following review and approval of the Erosion Control Plan by County staff. <br />2. Drainage culverts shall be sized and located appropriately by a licensed <br />North Carolina Professional Engineer as required by NCDOT and Orange <br />County Erosion Control. <br />3. Low Impact Design devices (LID) shall be incorporated into drainage-way <br />to lessen the stormwater impact to the streams. <br />4. ,Impervious surface data, as pursuant to Article 6.23.3c.1 of the Zoning <br />Ordinance shall be included in a document describing development <br />restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and <br />recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. The impervious surface for each <br />lot shall indicate the maximum impervious surface for each lot, net of the <br />roadway (i.e. excluding roadway). <br />5. Impervious surface coverage for the subdivision is limited to twelve <br />percent (12%) for a maximum of 176,470 square feet. <br />