Agenda - 01-15-2008-6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-15-2008
Agenda - 01-15-2008-6b
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:16:17 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:33:29 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080115 - Late
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<br />• Aggressively pursue the supporting analysis and present recommendations with the <br />explicit intent of moving forward with a plan to work with the County on the beneficial <br />use of the gas. <br />• Complete this feasibility work within 90 days of the execution of this agreement. <br />Responsibilities of Orange County <br />• Provide information on its operations as needed for the completion of the feasibility <br />analyses <br />• .Generally support the feasibility analyses led by the University and ensure compatibility <br />of proposals with ongoing landfill operations and objectives. <br />• Permit access to its facilities in conformance with its policies and procedures as needed to <br />enable completion of the technical and financial feasibility analyses. This includes <br />access for drilling test wells to better ascertain potential gas flows and quantities. <br />The University and the County Agree that: <br />• This Memorandum contemplates the use of gas from the landfill on both the north and <br />south sides of Eubanks Road, according to the attached map. <br />• This is an exclusive relationship and neither the University nor the County will enter into <br />a conflicting agreement to develop an energy program based on the County's landfill gas <br />prior to the expiration of the 90 day term discussed herein <br />• This Memorandum will terminate 90 days from inception unless extended by mutual <br />written agreement of the parties. <br />• The University may enter upon the landfill property for the purposes of completing the <br />feasibility analysis. The University shall notify Gayle Wilson, the County's Solid Waste <br />Director prior to entering the landfill property. To the extent provided by the North <br />Carolina Tort Claims Act, The University shall be solely responsible for any and all <br />losses, damages, and injuries sustained or caused by its employees, agents and <br />contractors while they are engaged in work pursuant to this Memorandum while on <br />County owned property. <br />• Coincident with the 90 days feasibility analysis period, the University and the County <br />will work together to draft a detailed agreement for the collection and use of the landfill <br />gas. <br />o It is the intent of the parties to be prepared to execute a final agreement for the <br />collection and use of the gas based on the goals established herein at the end of <br />the feasibility study period if both parties agree to proceed following receipt of <br />the results of the feasibility study. <br />o The final agreement will address design, finance, permitting (local and state), <br />construction, operation, and maintenance of the system, including progress <br />benchmarks. <br />o The final agreement will address revenue sharing; including carbon credits. <br />
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