Orange County NC Website
16 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee <br />Jerry Ann Gregory <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />Have served on this committee in the past, experienced in working with all adult populations. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />Provide service to community and residents of facilities. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Supplemental Questions: <br />Work Experience: Public Health Nurse for 31 yrs with Orange County Health- 1969 -2001; <br />Adult Day Center Health Coordinator for 2 years <br />Nurse Consultant for Are You Your Brother's Keeper progect with Efland Cheeks Voices <br />of Efland and UNC for 1 year 2010 Served as Guardian on behalf of Health Director for <br />clients in Community House in Carrboro and various Rest Homes and Nursing facilities. <br />Volunteer Experience: PTA Thrift shop; ; VA Medical Center in Durham doing data entry <br />for Oncology Research nurses; Habitat for Humanity; Fund raising for Child Abuse <br />Prevention Foundation in Durham; Fund raising for various charities sponsered by my <br />Exchange Club <br />Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee 5 -6 yrs; Volunteer RN for B/P clinic at <br />various Senior sites; Volunteer in Flu clinics offered at Senior sites in CH and <br />Hillsborough; Meals on Wheels Volunteer since retirement in 2001; Volunteer in fund <br />raising with Durham Harley Owners Group,Exchsnge Club of Greater Durham and <br />American Cancer Society; Member of Public Health Volunteer Corp,volunteering as <br />needed. Volunteer annually with Project Homelessness in providing immunizations and <br />education. <br />Education: H.S.; BS in Nursing; Adult Health Assessment -UNC; Various workshops on <br />Wellness, disease prevention, couseling,etc. Adult Health assessment <br />course /certification at UNC; Numerous classes re: Dementia, Aging, Chronic disease <br />Other Comments: <br />Have lived, worked and volunteered in Orange County since 1973. During my 32 years of <br />working in Public Health I have worked in the adult community providing services and am <br />very familiar with community and its needs. STAFF COMMENTS: Renewed application <br />10/09/03 for ACHCAC and Adv. Bd. on Aging. 6/16/03 for ACHCAC; NHCAC; Adv. Bd. on <br />Aging. Originally applied 9/3/99. Applied 1/8/2012 for Orange County Emergency Services <br />Work Group. ADDRESS VERIFICATION: Lebanon Road is Orange County Jurisdiction, <br />Efland Fire Tax, and Cheeks Township. <br />This application was current on: 1/6/2014 Date Printed: 7/25/2014 <br />