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Open Space: The flexible development plan denotes the maintenance of a 30' wide natural buffer <br />along Stroud's Creek Road and a 100 -foot building setback along the perimeter of the project. <br />Primary and Secondary Open Space is identified in and around the existing streams and off of the <br />denoted floodplain areas. The total area preserved as primary and secondary open space is <br />approximately 749,847 square feet (17.21 acres). The proposed open space is comprised of <br />existing, mature, vegetation and trees with an approximate height of between 30 to 50 feet. The <br />area is also heavily encumbered with identified floodplains and delineated wetlands. <br />STAFF COMMENT — OPEN SPACE: Staff has determined the proposed open space <br />and land use buffers meet the requirements of the UDO. <br />The developer has also proposed a 50' wide Pedestrian Open Space Access (POSA) <br />connection at the residential street (between lots 13 and 14) that would continue along <br />the rear of lots 9 -13 to connect to the sanitary sewer easement along the southern <br />portion of the property. If desired by the Town of Hillsborough, the developer has also <br />offered to provide a pedestrian access easement in conjunction with the sanitary sewer <br />easement along the southern portion of the property. These provisions would provide the <br />opportunity to have publically accessible open space on all sides of the development. <br />Land Use Buffers: The site plan indicates there will be a 30 -foot buffer along Stroud's Creek Road <br />comprised of existing, dense, vegetation composed of existing, mature, shrubs and trees with an <br />approximate height of between 50 to 70 feet. <br />STAFF COMMENT — LAND USE BUFFER: Section 6.8.6 (D) of the UDO requires that <br />this project maintain a thirty (30) foot land use buffer separating the project from adjacent <br />roadways. Staff has determined the proposed open space and land use buffers meet the <br />requirements of the UDO. <br />Staff Generated Correspondence: Attachment 3 contains the various comments for this project <br />as of the date of abstract preparation. <br />Analysis: As required under Section 2.15.2 (E) of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br />`prepare and submit a recommendation' on the concept plan to the Planning Board for <br />consideration. In analyzing this request, the Planning Director offers the following: <br />1. The application has been deemed complete in accordance with the requirements of <br />Section 2.2 and 2.15.2 of the UDO. <br />2. Staff has determined that the property is of sufficient size to support the proposed <br />subdivision. <br />3. The proposal appears consistent with the various goals outlined within the <br />Comprehensive Plan concerning development, including: <br />a. Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern, and <br />designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and facilities <br />sufficient to meet the needs of Orange County's population and economy <br />consistent with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br />b. Land Use Goal 2: Land uses that are appropriate to on -site environmental <br />conditions and features and that protect natural resources, cultural resources, and <br />community character. <br />