Orange County NC Website
' <br />Development Process. Schedule, and Action: The typical cadence for the review of a major <br />subdivision is as follows: <br />• First Action — Planning staff schedules a Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) <br />and invites property owners within 500 feet of the project to attend the meeting in <br />order to review the project with the applicant. <br />Staff Comment — DONE. This meeting was held on January 14, 2014. <br />• Second Action — The Planning Board reviews and takes action on the Concept <br />Plan application approving either the `conventional' or `flexible development' layout. <br />Staff Comment — DONE. The Planning Board met on February 5, 2014 and <br />approved the Concept Plan Flexible Design Option. Agenda materials for this <br />meeting can be viewed at- <br /> s/2.5.14P Packet.pdf <br />• Third Action — Once a concept plan is approved, the Planning Board reviews and <br />makes a recommendation on the approval of the Preliminary Plat for the project. <br />Staff Comment —The Planning Board met on September 3, 2014 to review the <br />Preliminary Plat. It voted unanimously to recommend approval. The Excerpt of <br />Draft Minutes from September 3, 2014 Planning Board meeting can be found <br />in Attachment 4. <br />• Fourth Action — The BOCC reviews and takes action on the Preliminary Plat <br />application at their October 21, 2014 meeting. <br />• Fifth Action — Once all construction activities have been completed, or appropriate <br />bonds have been approved, staff will sign off and allow the recordation of a Final <br />Plat allowing for the individual lots to be created. <br />Proposal: The petitioner has submitted a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application package, <br />consistent with the approved Concept Plan, proposing to develop a Conservation Cluster Flexible <br />Development Subdivision with 16 single - family residential lots at a gross density of 1 dwelling unit <br />per every 2.89 acres of land area with approximately 16.53 acres of dedicated Primary and <br />Secondary open space. <br />Proposed lots range in size from 1.24 acres (54,151 sq. ft.) to 1.87 acres (81,661 sq. ft.). <br />The following modification(s) have been made to the Preliminary Plat application in an effort to <br />address staff, Planning Board, and adjacent property owner comments associated with the approved <br />Concept Plan: <br />1. A proposed stormwater management area, originally shown behind Lot(s) 7 and 8 as <br />depicted on the Concept Plan, has been formally defined as required by Orange County <br />Erosion Control. <br />The basin is now 18,131 sq. ft. in area within a defined stormwater `lot' that is 36,769 sq. ft. in <br />area. <br />2. The lot lines along Laurel Oak Lane have been revised to clearly delineate the edge of the <br />right -of -way as well as to account for proper roadway alignments in accordance with NC <br />Department of Transportation (NCDOT) guidelines. <br />