Orange County NC Website
3. Include State Road numbers for all existing public streets. <br />4. Show all on -site and adjacent utility easements (e.g. electric poles are shown without <br />easements. <br />5. Include initial submittal and revision dates in the title block. <br />Flexible Development Plan (Sheet C -2) <br />1. Please consider providing a typical lot layout illustrating 2 -3 lots with driveway curb <br />cuts, utility lines, lot and street tree plantings etc. This will avoid the potential for <br />conflicts. <br />2. While a grading plan is not required at this time, please consider illustrating top of <br />slope and average surface area for potential BMPs and Fire Pond to ensure slopes do <br />not encroach and or create hazards along stream buffers, residential lots (especially <br />Lot #2) and access easements. <br />3. Illustrate the access (e.g. curb cut) and easements associated with the potential Fire <br />Pond. <br />4. Please also coordinate with Fire Marshall and Stormwater to review their design and <br />capacity criteria. In most cases, the requirement between the two types of devices <br />conflict. Generally speaking, fire ponds are deep, and designed to retain the <br />maximum amount of water; while a stormwater BMPs are shallow, and designed to <br />temporarily hold then release water. <br />5. Include appropriately sized sight distance triangles for the proposed intersection of <br />Laurel Oak Lane and Paper Birch Road. <br />6. Dimension and label the tract 100' wide perimeter boundary along the north and <br />west portion of the property. <br />7. Is the "Reserve Space" at the intersection of Paper Birch and Pleasant Green <br />excluded from your Open Space calculations? If not please remove or break out as a <br />separate line item. Please also add not that this request doesn't approve an <br />residential lot (i.e. Lot #17) for this area. Such a request/change would require <br />BOCC approval for the additional unit. <br />Orange County Environmental Health: <br />1. See Attached Memo dated July 30, 2014. <br />Orange County Fire Marshal: <br />2. Comments Pending. <br />Orange County Solid Waste Management: <br />1. See attached Memo dated July 18, 2014 and SWM Plan Form. <br />2 <br />20 <br />