Agenda - 01-15-2008-6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-15-2008
Agenda - 01-15-2008-6a
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:16:34 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:33:21 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080115 - Late
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(~ <br />2:00 Wrap Up <br />• Clarify areas of understanding, agreement, and disagreement. <br />• What outcomes do we want to document, and for what purposes? <br />• Who'll do a first draft, and what is the process for review and commitment? <br />• What and how shall we report to the Board of County Commissioners? <br />• Meeting evaluation -What worked well at this session? What would we want to do <br />differently or better in any future meetings? <br />3:00 Adjourn <br />Ground Rules <br />[Adopted by all of the meeting attendees) <br />In recognition that the participants in this meeting need to operate and abide by the same <br />set of effective rules for mediation, all will be asked to commit to the following in writing <br />at the start of the session: <br />1. We agree to try to communicate with each other effectively, to try understanding each <br />other's perspectives and, for issues where agreement is mutually desired, to try to <br />reach agreement by each of us making a free and well-informed choice. <br />2. We understand and agree that any participant in this mediation may withdraw from <br />mediation at any time for any reason. <br />3. We understand and agree that the Dispute Settlement Center (DSC) and its mediators <br />,give no opinion regarding the legal effect of our participation in this mediation, of <br />these groundrules, or of any resolution that is reached. We understand that DSC <br />(including its mediators, employees and volunteers) does not provide legal advice of <br />any kind. <br />4. We are free to seek the advice of a lawyer or any other professionals that might assist <br />us in understanding our options. <br />5. In consideration for DSC providing mediation services to us, we each waive the rights <br />to subpoena and compel DSC, its employees, or volunteers, or any work products, to <br />be called into any subsequent court action involving the matters under discussion in <br />this mediation. <br />6. We agree that all information presented in this mediation is inadmissible in any court <br />action, unless the information would be otherwise discoverable. <br />7. We acknowledge that the individuals participating. in this mediation from the <br />incorporated and unincorporated farmers markets are representatives of their <br />respective groups. As representatives from those groups, they agree to: <br />Dispute Settlement Center of Orange County, Carrboro NC 8 <br />
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