Orange County NC Website
!i <br />Attachment to Facilitator's Report <br />Farmers' Market Mediation <br />Meeting Plan <br />First Joint Session, Farmers Market Mediation <br />December 12, 2007 <br />Exchange Club, Hillsborough <br />Invitees (9): Fletcher Barber (resource to the whole group), Ben Bergmann, Beverly <br />Blythe, Mark Danieley (resource to the whole group), Jeffry Goodrum, Paul Reif, Jim Shanley, <br />Kim Steffan (resource to the unincorporated group), Andy Sachs (mediator) <br />Desired Outcomes <br />• Clear and agreed upon framework for the mediation process. <br />• Feedback to the County on its draft guidelines for the Public Market House. <br />• Clarification by the County of its decision-making process and timeline regarding the <br />guidelines. <br />• Consideration of whether and if so then how the incorporated and unincorporated groups can <br />create a unified farmers market. <br />• Consideration of how the two groups will co-exist, in the absence of a unified farmers <br />market. <br />Agenda <br />9:30 Convene <br />• Introductions <br />• Review/adopt meeting purposes, meeting agenda, meeting groundrules (see draft <br />purposes, agenda and ground rules as starting point for review/revision/adoption). <br />10:15 County's guidelines for using the Public Market House <br />• Quick feedback to County staff from both groups (no consensus needed). <br />• Clarification by County staff of the BOCC's decision making process and timeline <br />regarding the guidelines (no consensus needed). <br />10:35 Can we create a unified farmers market? <br />• Do both sides think a unified market is desirable? Why or why not? <br />• What are the challenges to creating a unified market? .Are we committed in general <br />to addressing those challenges together? Why or why not? <br />• If there is a general commitment to addressing those challenges together, then what <br />shall be our shared plan for addressing the challenges? <br />• If there will not be a unified farmers market, then how will the two farmers markets <br />co-exist? <br />12:00 .Lunch Break, if needed <br />1:00 Continue discussion, if needed <br />Dispute Settlement Center of Orange County, Carrboro NC 7 <br />