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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 6 -f <br />SUBJECT: Triangle Regional Water Supply Plan —Resolution of Support <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning PUBLIC HEARING: (Y /N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1) Triangle Regional Water Supply Plan <br />(TRWSP) Executive Summary <br />2) Resolution Supporting TRWSP <br />1 <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Craig Benedict, Planning, (919) 245- <br />2592 <br />Kevin Lindley, Planning, (919) 245 -2583 <br />PURPOSE: To consider approving and authorizing the Chair to sign a Resolution of Support for <br />the Triangle Regional Water Supply Plan (TRWSP). <br />BACKGROUND: County staff has been participating in the Jordan Lake Partnership since <br />2009. The original five -year charter for the organization was set to expire this year, but on June <br />17, 2014, the Board approved extending the original membership agreement for an additional <br />five years. This multi - government entity has been working alongside the Triangle J Council of <br />Governments (TJCOG) to develop a regional water supply plan. The plan looks at meeting the <br />water needs of the individual entities, primarily through allocation of Jordan Lake water, through <br />the year 2060. Much work and collaboration amongst the various members of the Jordan Lake <br />Partnership has gone into the creation of the TRWSP, which benefits all members by <br />proactively planning for future water demand and appropriate supply. <br />The Executive Summary for the plan has been included as Attachment 1 for review. <br />