Agenda - 10-21-2014 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-21-2014 - 6a
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6/8/2015 12:31:23 PM
Creation date
10/17/2014 2:40:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 10-21-2014
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I service hours, and in FY 13 they provided 16,336. He said this program involves 7,300 new <br />2 hours, and about 2500 of the total hours are fixed routes, and everything else is demand <br />3 response or contracted. <br />4 Commissioner Pelissier asked if most of the demand response service is paid for by <br />5 Medicaid or ROAP money. <br />6 Craig Benedict said yes. <br />7 Commissioner Price asked if any TARPO funds will be used in the expansion to the <br />8 southern region. <br />9 Bret Martin said no. He said TARPO does not control any transit funding. He said the <br />10 state has made a policy decision not to give section 5311 funding for operating assistance to <br />11 systems that are not regionally consolidated. <br />12 Commissioner Price asked if there has been much discussion about going from Durham <br />13 Tech campuses and /or providing free fares for students. <br />14 Bret Martin said these services would service Durham Tech in Orange County only. He <br />15 said there has not been discussion about free fares for students. <br />16 Commissioner Rich said a request was made at the work group to make sure there was <br />17 transparence as to how the half cent sales tax is being used. She said there was a request to <br />18 put this on the transit websites. She would like for the County citizens to be aware of this as <br />19 well. She would like to see this information on the County website. <br />20 Commissioner Gordon said she recommends they do option 2. She said this would <br />21 allow the loop service to be prioritized as the number one thing on the unfunded priority list. <br />22 She said option 1 does not have much for the Southern part of the County, and option 2 does. <br />23 She said it is really helpful to get a one hour headway, and this would be a benefit to Mebane, <br />24 Efland, and Hillsborough. She said it is important to have some of this funding go to the <br />25 southern part of the County. <br />26 Commissioner McKee said he would also support option 2. He said this removes the <br />27 Efland to Hillsborough commuter loop, but he hopes this can eventually be built back in as <br />28 revenues increase. He said it does not seem quite fair, if service will be extended into rural <br />29 areas, that it not be done Countywide, and option 2 accomplishes this. <br />30 Commissioner Pelissier said she would like a modified version of option 2. She would <br />31 like to make the three zonal routes only one day a week, and to put in the Efland /Hillsborough <br />32 commuter loop. <br />33 Commissioner Price said she is in favor of option 2. She said doing only one day a <br />34 week just continues to isolate people. She said twice a week would be the better option. <br />35 Commissioner Price said she hoped to find a way to do a demand response service for <br />36 those who don't have the funds to pay the $12.75 fee. She said these are usually the people <br />37 who need it. <br />38 Commissioner Price said something needs to be done about service to Durham Tech in <br />39 Durham. She said Durham will be offering the go -pass, which means that anyone there can get <br />40 on the bus and go to Durham Tech at no cost. She suggested the same should be done here. <br />41 Commissioner Rich said she likes option 2, but she is intrigued with what Commissioner <br />42 Pelissier said about doing studies regarding the two day a week route. She said her concern is <br />43 taking out the loop at the expense of putting extra days in for a northern route. She would like <br />44 to see some review and flexibility of this, and she asked how long it would take to get this. <br />45 Bret Martin said the service standards being adopted would be for 12 months notice of <br />46 the routes to the public and then evaluation of data after 6 months of service. He said this <br />47 means it would take 18 months total. <br />48 Craig Benedict said if some of these grants come in it might be possible to implement <br />49 the commuter loop within the next year. <br />
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