Orange County NC Website
W <br />1 upon the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a resolution affirming the rights of children <br />2 to attend public schools in the County in which they reside, regardless of their immigration <br />3 status. He asked that the Board consider a resolution in that regard. <br />4 Commissioner Dorosin said the 2015 draft meeting calendar has been distributed for the <br />5 Board's review. He said there are an unprecedented number of meetings, and he would like to <br />6 look at how these are scheduled. He said there are several times when there are weeks with <br />7 multiple meetings, and then there are weeks with none. He feels there might be a more <br />8 balanced way of scheduling these 51 meetings. <br />9 <br />10 Chair Jacobs reminded everyone that petitions are referred to agenda review and will <br />11 come back with a recommendation as soon as possible. <br />12 <br />13 Commissioner Gordon reviewed the following memo regarding her petition on Policies <br />14 for the Language Used in County Documents: <br />15 <br />16 The language used in all county documents should support the policies, goals and objectives of <br />17 the county. Right now the county has some existing practices, but they should be made into <br />18 policies so that they would be consistently followed. In the future, as appropriate, the county <br />19 could develop other policies for the language used in county documents. <br />20 <br />21 The county should adopt the following two policies, and then all county departments should be <br />22 informed that the policies are in place. <br />23 <br />24 1. Gender Neutral Language <br />25 All county documents should use gender neutral language. As new documents are created or <br />26 existing documents are renewed or revised, they should be checked for compliance with that <br />27 policy. For example, the term "Chair" should be used rather than "Chairman," the term <br />28 "firefighter" should be used rather "fireman," pronouns should not automatically be male, and so <br />29 forth. <br />30 <br />31 2. Abbreviations <br />32 The language of county documents should be as clear and transparent as possible, and a part <br />33 of achieving that goal is to have guidelines for the use of abbreviations, including the following <br />34 two: <br />35 a. Any abbreviation should be used with care. <br />36 b. The first time an abbreviation is used, it should be spelled out, so that the reader will know <br />37 what is being referenced. For example, the county department dealing with county lands would <br />38 appear first as Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) and <br />39 then, subsequently, as DEAPR. <br />40 <br />41 Commissioner Gordon referred to a resolution from the Commission for the <br />42 Environment (CFE) that was sent to the Board in November 2013, and she asked that this be <br />43 considered for one of the Board agendas. <br />44 Commissioner Rich said she has been working with the Information Technology Director <br />45 and County Manager on the issue of public emails. She said there have been discussions <br />46 regarding the possibility of putting emails online for the public to see. She said the research <br />47 has been done, and it is time to put that petition forward in order to look at the research and <br />48 decide whether to put funds toward this effort. <br />49 Commissioner Rich said her next petition is for the planning department. She would like <br />50 to know when a controversial plan has been withdrawn. <br />