Agenda - 10-21-2014 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-21-2014 - 6a
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Last modified
6/8/2015 12:31:23 PM
Creation date
10/17/2014 2:40:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Minutes 10-21-2014
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14 <br />1 are recorded on a worksheet and edited in a live setting. He said attachments A and B reflect <br />2 these efforts. He said the team will continue to work on incorporating the Board's priorities as it <br />3 decided how to flesh out the plan. <br />4 Rod Visser said the team is also working with a set of elements suggested by the <br />5 manager. He said the work will be crafted into a narrative form to be reviewed and edited and <br />6 the recommended plan will be brought back for Board consideration. He said the goal, as <br />7 articulated by Commissioner Rich, is to emerge with a plan to allow everyone to correctly <br />8 message the Board of County Commissioners, which will allow the Board to correctly message <br />9 its citizens. <br />10 Commissioner Gordon said this started with the outline on page 3, and she would like to <br />11 know if this is what the Board is interested in covering and if this is organized in the way they <br />12 would like to see it. She said attachment B shows the approach, and there are worksheets to <br />13 make them consider all aspects of the plan. She said the last attachment is something she was <br />14 asked to put together. She wonders if the part that lists the overall goals and role of the Board <br />15 of County Commissioners would fit into the top category on page 5. <br />16 Commissioner Gordon said if anyone wants to comment on the roles of the Board of <br />17 County Commissioners or the manager or the Public Information Officer (PIO) that would be <br />18 helpful. She said overall she would like to know if the Board feels that this group is going in the <br />19 right direction. <br />20 Commissioner Rich said this was purposefully made to be not too detailed, in order to <br />21 receive feedback from the Board on the direction. She feels that the 8 week timeframe is not <br />22 sufficient, and she would request more time. <br />23 Commissioner McKee said this seems is very inclusive in covering the different areas <br />24 that need to be hit. He agreed that eight weeks is a tight schedule. He said he does not have a <br />25 problem with the group defining the end point. <br />26 Commissioner Rich asked Commissioner McKee if he finds the matrix helpful. <br />27 Commissioner McKee said the committee should use what they are most comfortable <br />28 with in order to get the result they need. <br />29 Commissioner Pelissier said she likes the matrix, and it defines what is being <br />30 accomplished. She said timelines sometimes don't work, and if this takes longer than 8 weeks <br />31 it is fine by her. She just wants to see a really good product. <br />32 Commissioner Price said she liked the matrix and the outline. She suggested a <br />33 language edit to include a specific mention of hearing impaired challenged. She also <br />34 suggested the addition of a County app for phones under the listing of potential tools. <br />35 Chair Jacobs said he talked with Jeff Thompson about handicapped accommodations in <br />36 the County buildings, and it got him thinking about how poorly equipped the buildings were for <br />37 the visually impaired and handicapped. He said a phone app might work to help guide people <br />38 to the proper offices, and he thinks this technology exists <br />39 Chair Jacobs said he also agrees that it is important to get this done right, rather than to <br />40 get it done fast. <br />41 Commissioner Gordon said the question was whether the Board wants their <br />42 communication plan to be in a matrix or to have text and then matrixes to flesh it out. <br />43 Chair Jacobs referred to the outline and said you can follow this framework and then for <br />44 each messenger you could have a table, or you could do it for the entire item. He said this is up <br />45 to the group. <br />46 Commissioner Gordon said it would be a good idea to come back to the Board of <br />47 Commissioners with some kind of update on November 6th. She said an extension could then <br />48 be given based on need. She asked if there are any suggestions regarding the role of the PIO. <br />49 Chair Jacobs said the Board can send comments to Cheryl Young. <br />
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