Agenda - 10-21-2014 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-21-2014 - 6a
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Last modified
6/8/2015 12:31:23 PM
Creation date
10/17/2014 2:40:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 10-21-2014
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13 <br />1 Commissioner Dorosin said the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a huge step forward for <br />2 their community. He thinks it is necessary to re -think the categories; if there are current part - <br />3 time people working 20 hours and it is a position that is needed all the time, then that should not <br />4 be considered a temporary position, and it should be a category. <br />5 Commissioner Dorosin said there is another category of temporary full time and 30 hour <br />6 employees, as well as seasonal employees. He thinks the one month standard should be used, <br />7 and if an employee works 30 hours a week for a month or two months, they should receive <br />8 benefits. <br />9 He said the County should be setting the moral high ground for employers. He likes the <br />10 idea of a modified benefit for permanent part -time employees. He thinks that is a critical stand <br />11 that should be taken on this issue. <br />12 Commissioner Rich said the concept is interesting but it could be a logistical nightmare <br />13 for the employer and employee. She said it could be a problem for an employee to receive <br />14 benefits for 3 months and then have to go back on the affordable care plan. She wonders if <br />15 there is a way to help them with their affordable care plan in a way that does not disrupt service <br />16 and create logistical issues. <br />17 Brenda Bartholomew said most of the seasonal employees have health insurance with <br />18 their parents or another venue, although they could certainly waive out of it if there was another <br />19 option. <br />20 Commissioner Pelissier said she is heartened by the discussion. She noted that some <br />21 counties are doing the opposite by reducing employee's hours in the face of the ACA, while <br />22 Orange County is embracing it and not trying to save money on the backs of the employees. <br />23 Brenda Bartholomew apologized if the Commissioners felt the ACA was portrayed in a <br />24 negative light. <br />25 Commissioner Dorosin said he just wants it to go on record that he and his colleagues <br />26 embrace the ACA because of the good it does for the people in need in the community. <br />27 Bonnie Hammersley said one of the things she has heard is the need to look at the <br />28 titling of these positions. She said the positions will be monitored heading into the budget to <br />29 see if they are all needed. <br />30 <br />31 4. Update on Strategic Communications Plan (SCP) <br />32 Cheryl Young said this is an update of the Strategic Communications Plan (SCP). She <br />33 said the Board moved forward in June with a contract with Rod Visser to facilitate a strategic <br />34 communications workgroup, and he is here to give an update. <br />35 Rod Visser said the team has met six times in the last six weeks, and the group has <br />36 been a pleasure to work with. He said there is excellent commitment and good discussion. He <br />37 expressed appreciation to Cheryl Young for her help. <br />38 He noted the attachments developed by the team and included in the abstract, which <br />39 includes: working outline, draft statement of purpose and goals, and a matrix of working <br />40 information. <br />41 Rod Visser said a memo from Commissioner Gordon is also included, which outlines the <br />42 communication goals and the goals of the Board of County Commissioners. He said the team <br />43 has worked on the Board of County Commissioners' priorities. <br />44 He said the final attachment is a preliminary inventory of potential communication tools <br />45 being envisioned as an appendix to the recommended plan. He said this report tonight does <br />46 not reflect any final recommendations. <br />47 Rod Visser said the group decided to draft the communications plan during the <br />48 scheduled team meetings, versus using a subcommittee outside of the regular meetings. He <br />49 said a matrix was chosen that had been used in another department's communication plan <br />50 development. He said the team has been discussing various plan elements, while decisions <br />
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