Orange County NC Website
12/1?i0? 1?:14 GUILFORD CQUNTY ADMINISTRATION 3 91919?32?99? N0. 111 Dal <br />`. <br />R~SOLUTYGI9 <br />rttEr~UESTEN Y SUII'tJ~'Y +(~~ TIdE AL M.~NCIu CUUIwt Y~ G ~LF+ORU Cd NTY A <br />SOUNDA-Iie <br />Rl~Ul~tI1A,R'lt LII~ <br />W);iEREr~.S, the boundary tine of Guilford County was established by act of the Colonial <br />Cseneral Assembly in 1?71 being drawn fl~atrt a portion of Rowan County end CZrange County; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the 6auadary line of Alamance County wss established pursuant to ~an 1849 <br />survey commissioned by the North Carolina Creneral Assembly at the time ,Alamance County <br />was farmed. anal on May 14,1849 the survey results were recorded in the office afthe Cierlc to <br />the North Carolina General Assembly, and many of the survey references demarcating the <br />Alasnance County line are identifiable tad~ty; a,nd ' <br />4'VHERE,~S, aver the.past t 58 years various agreemer-ts and arr$ngaments were made <br />by and botweea the Alamsnc8 County and Guilford County tax collectors which have resulted in. <br />confusion aver the silos of specific parcels of tend in both Alamance CC7urity and duilfard <br />Ct~unty; said confusion being lteighteued by the ever increasing residential and commercial <br />development in proximity to the Alamanca County ~ Guilford County boundary line; and <br />'WHEREAS, both Alarnance County end Guilford County have previously engaged in <br />discu5slo»s with other neighboring counties to resolve their mutual boundary lines; and <br />Vt-HEREA~S; the Alamance County 13vatd of Coxnmissianers god the Guilford County'' <br />Board of Commissioners bath recognize that the lyvurtdary line between the two counties is <br />uncertain and a fair, o9uitabl$, joint resolution of this rctatter is desired by bflth parties; and . <br />yI~HG~RI:~S, the Alanianae County $asrd of Commissioners and the Guilford County <br />$asrd of Commissioners are aomntitted to the principle, set forth in arose statutes, that ta3cable <br />property is to be listed and taxed in the cau»ty within which it is situated; and <br />'WHI!,1tEAS, it is the desire of the Alamanae County $oard of CQtnrnissivners to join <br />with the Guilford County Board~+df Commissioners to aclucve a definitive resolution to rho i9sue' <br />of the baundsry line to eliminate the adverse impact this CpnfusiarJ has an property vvtncrs <br />clirecily affezted by the uncertain laaetion ofthe bQUnd~ry line. <br />I*10Vtlrr THEREFORE, IT IS HER1~13Y RESOLVED that the Alatnattce County <br />13c~ard of Commissioners do hereby regztest that the North Carolina Creodetic Survey Seatioa of <br />the I~larth Carolina ,[~epartrnent of Envlranraent and Natural Resources conduct anal prCpare a <br />survey of the A.lamance County-Guilford County boundaxy line and further assist bath counties <br />in resolving the uncertain boundary line consistent with the mutual agreement r~fthe Al~amanee <br />County Board of Commissioners and the Guilford County Board of Camruissianers, with said <br />survey beginning with, anti using as reference, the United Stater Geological Survey tins already <br />in use, <br />