Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />E. County also has an interest in leasing the second and third floors of the <br />adjoining Gateway Center Building (a condominium} and in obtaining an option to <br />purchase the same for a sum certain (the "Auxiliary Project"}. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the mutual promises and <br />agreements herea$er set forth, the parties hereto agree that the following are the material <br />terms upon which County and TCM will contract for the design, construction <br />management and construction of the Project and upon which County and TCM will <br />purchase and sell the Project, including the buildings and associated property rights. <br />I. Project. (including public and private elements}: <br />Phase I -Two story public library (23,454 sf j to be purchased by County to be <br />1'ocated on the land identified as Orange County PIN 9874051759. <br />Phase II -Three story office building (46,716 sf} to be~purchased by County to be <br />located on the land identified as Orange County PIN 98740S17S9. <br />Phase III -Parking facility with 134 spaces licensed exclusively to County and a <br />minimum of 201 to be retained by TCM to be located on the land identified as <br />Orange County PINS 98740S17S9, 9874052643 and 9874053603. <br />2. Design Professionals. <br />Architect: (l) Brockwell Associates, Ina (Durham, NC}. <br />(2) To be determined by County and TCM for design of library <br />interior. <br />Structural Engineers: Gardzier & McDaniel, PA (Durham, NC}. <br />MechanicaUPlumbinglElectrieal Engineers: Engineered Designs, Inc. (Raleigh, <br />NC). <br />Civil Engineers (including planning/surveying}: Summit Consulting Engineers, <br />FLLC (Hillsborough, NC). <br />-2- <br />