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15 <br />what would be the mission and charge of such a group? Would it be asked to <br />determine the desired mix of activities and set up structures for organizing the <br />fair and establishing a long -term operating plan, for example? <br />• Does the Board have initial guidance on which of the different managing <br />structures and entities for a fair is desired, or should this be subject to further <br />study? <br />• Should the Manager and staff begin the process of financial analysis and <br />prognosis to evaluate the financial impact and projected viability of a fair in <br />Orange County? <br />• How should the important questions of needed infrastructure (including <br />structures, utilities, transportation and parking), stakeholder discussions, <br />developing support services and structures, and the ultimate location of a County <br />Fair be addressed? <br />• What other information does the Board need to further consider the county fair <br />concept? <br />In conclusion, the attached report is meant as a discussion starter. Staff has gathered <br />selected information about other county fairs, and offered a few case studies exemplary <br />of different approaches to county fairs, but collection of additional information and detail <br />(including site visits to meet with fair organizers), has not yet occurred pending Board <br />discussion. <br />If the Board decides to pursue a venture in this area, further information - gathering will <br />be needed this summer and fall. It is recommended that the Board, or a contingent <br />thereof, consider visiting a selection of fairs in the fall of this year, to gain a first -hand <br />sense of the different natures and experiences a county fair has to offer. The beginning <br />of conversations with potential partners is another important area that would need to be <br />established. <br />The preceding is a preliminary report. If the topic is deemed worthy of future <br />consideration, it is recommended that the matter be placed on a work session in the fall. <br />This will enable the site visits in the fall mentioned above, and allow time to collect <br />additional information the Board identifies as part of this initial discussion. <br />It should be noted that, due to the complexity of issues involved in putting on a county <br />fair, and the need for significant organizational work, planning, and fund - raising, it is <br />anticipated that the timeframe needed to organize a county fair would target an event in <br />the 2015 -16 fiscal year, at earliest. <br />