Orange County NC Website
4 <br />serve as the lead local plaa~ning agency for coordinating transportation planning in the four comity <br />planning area. The RPO hereby authorizes the Triangle J Council of Governments to be the recipient of <br />any funds appropriated to the RPO by NCDOT pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 136-213(c). <br />Section 3. Establishment of Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC). A RTAC is hereby <br />established with the responsibility for serving as a forum for cooperative transportation planning <br />decision mal~ing for the RPO. The TAC shall have the responsibility for keeping the local elected <br />governing boards informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process; to <br />assist in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, and policies of the local <br />elected governing boards and the NCDOT; and to help ensure meaningful public participation in the <br />Waal transportation planning process. <br />1. The RTAC will be responsible for carrying out the following: <br />A. Establishment of goals, priorities, and objectives for the rural transportation planning <br />process. <br />B. Endorsement and review of changes to adopted transportation plans within the RPO. <br />C. Endorsement, review, and approval of a Plaa~ning Worlc Program (PWP) for <br />transportation planning which defines work tasks and responsibilities for the various <br />agencies participating in the RPO. <br />D. Endorsement, review, and approval of transportation improvement projects that <br />support and enhance both regional and local transportation in the four county RPO <br />2. The membership of the RTAC shall consist of the following: <br />A. One Commissioner renresentin~ the County of Chatham Board: an alternate votin <br />member maybe desi ang ted by the Chatham County Board. Membership shall also <br />include one municipal elected official representing the muunicipalities within Chatham <br />County that, by affirmative vote of their overning boards, have elected to become <br />members of the Triangle Area RPO. The Mayors of the municipalities within <br />Chatham County that are members of the Triangle Area RPO or their local ovenung <br />board designees, shall meet 'oLintly with the Chatham County Board member to <br />determine the elected official to represent the Chatham Coun _ municipalities on the <br />Triangle Area RTAC. A maiority vote of the Mayors or their designees shall <br />determine the municipal representative. An alternate voting member may also be <br />determined in a similar manner for the muunicipal representative.. These voting <br />members and their respective alternates shall be identified by mane in the TARPO <br />RTAC membership roster. <br />B. One Commissioner renresentin~ the County of Lee Board: an alternate votin <br />member maybe desi any the Lee County Board. Membership shall also include <br />one municipal elected official representing the municipalities within Lee County that, <br />b~affirmative vote of their overnin~ boards, have elected to become members of the <br />Triangle Area RPO. The Mayors of the municipalities within Lee County that are <br />members of the Triangle Area RPO or their local governing board designees, shall <br />