Agenda - 01-15-2008-4k
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-15-2008
Agenda - 01-15-2008-4k
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8/29/2008 2:28:40 PM
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8/28/2008 9:28:50 AM
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Minutes - 20080115 - Late
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4 <br />and health related resources. The implementation of the NAPSACC Project in Orange <br />County will be the responsibility of Patty Rhodes, RN. <br />The CCHC will participate in NAPSACC training and extend nutrition and physical activity <br />support to the participating child care centers.......... Child Care Services Association <br />(CCSA), another partner in this project, has agreed to assist the Partnership in awarding <br />incentive grants and monitoring the participating child care centers. Combining the <br />expertise of the Health Department and the CCSA will ensure that child care centers <br />receive comprehensive & integrated services that intend to improve health, nutrition, <br />and physical activity opportunities for children in child care. <br />The Partnership will use its match contribution of 15% to ensure that materials and <br />incentives are culturally relevant and translated into Spanish. This contribution is in <br />addition to the basic NAPSACC project. Also, the Partnership will identify nutritionists, <br />parent educators, and physical education trainers to provide resources to <br />families/children of the participating child care centers. <br />Community Collaboration: <br />The Partnership will work with CCSA and the Orange County Health Department to <br />implement the NAPSACC project. In addition to these two primary agencies, <br />relationships with community agencies to assist in NAPSACC implementation have been <br />established. <br />• Some examples: Cooperative Extension, Carrboro Farmer's Market, Chapel Hill & <br />Carrboro Parks & Recreation Departments, YMCA, and Triangle Sportsplex. <br />Through these resources and others, the Partnership has set up a number of resources <br />that a child care center can access to improve their nutrition practices and physical <br />activities. <br />Activity Timeline: <br />Child Care Health Consultant develops a plan of work and completes NAPSACC training <br />by November 30, 2007. <br />Recruitment of Child Care centers begins mid October through mid November 2007. <br />All Child Care centers will have met with CCHC to review NAPSACC requirements and <br />complete initial assessment by December 30, 2007. <br />Child Care centers attend workshops, receive CCHC consultation, and implement <br />nutrition and physical activity improvements from January -June 2008. <br />Partnership, CCHC and CCSA meet quarterly to assess progress. Prepare required <br />reports to NC Partnership for Children. <br />
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