Agenda - 10-14-2014 - 5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-14-2014 - Work Session - Late
Agenda - 10-14-2014 - 5
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Last modified
6/8/2015 11:28:22 AM
Creation date
10/13/2014 9:10:11 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 10-14-2014 Late
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
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High Probability of Completion <br />The high probability of completion feature designates a GETS call as such by putting a <br />GETS marker on it in the telephone network signaling system. This marker accompanies <br />the call through each portion of the phone network as the call is being routed. The <br />marker tells the network to use GETS handling instructions at each point that the network <br />must decide how to route the call, thus giving it priority over normal calls. <br />Enhanced Routing <br />The local carriers and GETS long distance carriers have implemented enhanced routing <br />services to aid GETS call completion in congested networks. This provides GETS users <br />with improved call completion capabilities over normal users. These capabilities, <br />described in more detail below, include: <br />Alternate Carrier Routing <br />Alternate carrier routing provides a GETS call automatic alternate routing to the GETS <br />long distance carriers. For example, if one GETS carrier cannot be reached, the call will <br />automatically be directed to another GETS carrier. In the local networks, normal calls are <br />typically routed to only one long distance carrier, whereas alternate carrier routing allows <br />GETS calls to attempt to access all three GETS long distance carriers (AT &T, Sprint, and <br />Verizon) without the user having to hang up and dial each one individually. <br />Call Queuing and Retry <br />GETS calls routed through networks experiencing high congestion may encounter <br />situations where resources required to complete calls are unavailable. This can happen at <br />several points on the route between a call's origination and destination. Normal calls <br />would not be completed under these conditions; however, GETS call queuing and retry <br />features allow a GETS call to wait for or retry a number of times for the resources needed <br />to complete the call. For example, if a local carrier receives an All Circuits Busy message <br />from the long distance carrier while attempting to route a GETS call (see Figure 1), the <br />GETS call will queue in the local carrier network for the next available connection <br />(known in the industry as a `trunk') to the long distance carrier. <br />As network resources become available, the GETS calls are processed on a first come, <br />first served basis. Callers can wait in queue for a minute or longer, and there is no <br />4 <br />
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