2014-482 Housing - Lesly Veronica Penick for interpretation/translation $5,000
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2014-482 Housing - Lesly Veronica Penick for interpretation/translation $5,000
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Last modified
5/24/2017 2:13:20 PM
Creation date
10/9/2014 4:12:03 PM
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2014-534 Health - Lesly Veronica Penick - Amendment to Services Agreement $0
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R 2014-482 Housing - Lesly Veronica Penick for interpretation, translation
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Health Department(hereinafter referred to as"OCHD") <br /> Additional Terms and Conditions <br /> These are additional terms and conditions to the Agreement between Orange County and the <br /> (PROVIDER) to the Countywide Interpreter Translator Contract of$15,000 or less. The additional <br /> terms and conditions shall supersede any terms in the original contract and are hereby incorporated <br /> as follows: <br /> Add to Section 2.b. <br /> V. The Provider will follow the National Code of Ethics and Standards of <br /> Practice outlined by the National Council on Interpreting in Health <br /> Care which can be found at and is hereby incorporated <br /> by reference. <br /> vi. The Provider is required to sign the OCHD Conditions of Contract <br /> Statement containing the confidentiality, Title X and public health <br /> activities in emergency situations information which is hereby <br /> incorporated by reference. <br /> Add to Section 2.d.i.3 the following sentence: <br /> The Provider should generally instruct clients to call the Health <br /> Department front desk staff or the Spanish voicemail line at 644-3350 <br /> (when language appropriate) to schedule an appointment or to inquire <br /> about services. <br /> Add Section 2.e. <br /> e. Medical Documentation. The Provider is required to: <br /> i. Provide proof of immunity to varicella, measles, mumps and rubella prior to <br /> inception of contract work. Proof of immunity must be one of the following: medical <br /> records diagnosing the disease, laboratory records confirming the disease, laboratory <br /> records documenting positive disease titers, or medical records documenting receipt of 2 <br /> doses of each vaccine. (Exception: If the Provider has documentation of only one dose <br /> of vaccine, the Provider must provide documentation of a second dose within 60 days of <br /> the first day of contract work.) The Provider is responsible for covering all costs <br /> associated with acquiring any necessary titers, medical diagnosis or laboratory <br /> confirmation of disease or vaccinations. <br /> ii. Provide proof of a TB screening and provide those results to OCHD prior to <br /> beginning contract work. The Provider is responsible for the costs associated with <br /> acquiring such screening. The screening can be one of the following: <br /> 1. Receipt of a TB skin test (TST) if the Provider has no history of TB <br /> infection/disease or of a positive TST (Note: If the Provider has not <br /> had an additional TST within the previous 12 months, a second TST <br /> Revised May 2014 7 <br />
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