Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2: Memorandum of Agreement With Tracked Changes From Previous Version <br />8 <br />t- - - Formatted: Centered <br />transportation authorization allows active CMAQ grants that had not fully exhausted their three <br />(3) -year eligibility as of September 30, 2012, to be extended for a duration not to exceed five (5) <br />ey ars. —The North Carolina Department of Transportation has eaffffflitted to provided and <br />continues to provide the required 20% local match for the first $198,000 in costs incurred for the <br />rp oject et. After the first $198,000 is expended, the Town's previous and <br />current contributions to the County will provide- the requiredwill provide 20% local match to <br />continue to support the project through the life of the CMAQ giant's two (2)year extension... <br />The continuation of the Hillsborough Circulator t te- transit services after the total five -year term <br />of the CMAQ grant is contingent upon available new funding source(s)- <br />CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES <br />OPT has provided the North Carolina Department of Transportation with certain Annuals- - - Formatted: Justified <br />Certifications and Assurances as set forth on that certain document entitled "FEDERAL AND <br />STATE CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES FOR COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION <br />PROGRAMS. " - <br />SERVICE GOVERNANCE <br />OPT will continue to operate the service and perform other responsibilities as outlined by this~- - - j Formatted: Justified <br />Memorandum. However, in the future, the governance of thL—new transit services might be <br />affected by the recommendations of an ongoing OPT — Chapel Hill Transit Consolidation Study. <br />Any governance changes shall be discussed with the Town of Hillsborough prior to <br />implementation. <br />ORANGE COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES <br />•- - - Formatted: Justified <br />Orange County shall: <br />• Provide public transportation services to the Town of Hillsborough following the attached <br />route desig_Lm. <br />• Provide services on an eight -hour schedule per day, Monday through Friday. <br />• Provide back -up drivers in case the assigned driver is not available. <br />• Determine if services should be suspended/limited due to inclement weather. <br />• Coordinate vehicle maintenance with Orange County Motor Pool to ensure vehicles are in <br />safe operating order. <br />• Review the public route design and bus stops to ensure efficiencies and provide any relevant <br />information to the Town of Hillsborough. <br />• Discuss the specific situation, and present evidence of cause, with the Town of Hillsborough <br />staff prior to modification or termination of services. <br />• Administer the CMAQ grant and provide required reports to the North Carolina Department <br />of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and/or Federal Transit Administration. <br />• Provide and maintain adequate insurance coverage. All such insurances shall meet all laws <br />of the State of North Carolina. <br />• Provide any information, data, documents, studies or reports given to or prepared or <br />assembled under this Memorandum to North Carolina Department of Transportation and the <br />Town of Hillsborough. Orange County acknowledges that in receiving, storing, processing <br />or otherwise dealing with any confidential information„ OPT will safeguard and not further <br />disclose the information except as otherwise provided in this Memorandum. <br />