Orange County NC Website
the easement. Phase II of the project will be pursued at a later date. The County applied for <br />a grant from the NC Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund to <br />complete the second phase of the conservation easement. <br />The Breeze farm is located within the Little River Protected Watershed, which the County <br />identified as a priority watershed for acquiring farmland easements in a dual effort to protect <br />prime farmland and drinking water quality. Two creeks flow through the farm on the way to <br />nearby South Fork Little River - a principal source of drinking water for Durham County. <br />ERCD Staff and the County Attorney have worked with the owners to prepare an agreement <br />that meets the owner's needs and the County's interests. The conservation easement <br />conforms to federal guidelines pursuant to the federal Farm and Ranch Land Protection <br />Program, which will contribute funds to this project. Colonel Breeze has swell-established <br />conservation plan that is implemented with assistance from the Orange County NRCS field <br />office. Colonel Breeze also has along-standing forest management plan for the wooded <br />portion of property. <br />The property includes the farmhouse and farm office (both ca. 1870), and several agricultural <br />outbuildings clustered within an "Existing Farmstead Area" located close to Schley Road as <br />shown on the attached Site -Map. <br />All future non-agricultural development rights will be extinguished through the conservation <br />easement. Future farm activities will continue in accordance with a Conservation Plan <br />prepared for this farm by the Orange County Soil & Water Conservation District. ERCD will <br />monitor the property on an annual basis. A copy of the draft easement is attached. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The fair market value of the conservation easement is $540,000, <br />which was determined by an appraisal. The purchase price for the easement is $442,800, <br />which is 82% of the appraised value. Mr. Breeze intends to donate 18% of the value <br />($97,200) and take advantage of federal and state tax benefits available for easement <br />donations. The County would pay $230,710 (52% of the total purchase price) and $212,090 <br />(48%) would be paid with a grant from the federal Farm & Ranch Land Protection Program. <br />Including survey and other transaction costs, the total cost of the project (without the 18% <br />donation) is approximately $450,000. The County's share of the total cost will be <br />approximately $237,910 ($230,710 plus closing costs), and would come from existing funds <br />budgeted from the $3.0 million in alternative financing (Lands Legacy Conservation <br />Easement Fund) approved by the Board of Commissioners in FY 2002-03 and previously <br />appropriated. The Lands Legacy Conservation Easement Fund will have approximately <br />$570,000 remaining after this purchase for future easements. The Budget Office will bring a <br />Capital Project Ordinance for this project forward in an upcoming budget amendment. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the resolution <br />approving the acceptance by Orange County of the conservation easement and authorize the <br />Chair and the Clerk to sign the conservation easement agreement, subject to final review by <br />staff and County Attorney, with a closing and recordation of the document expected to occur <br />on or about February 28, 2007. <br />