Orange County NC Website
projected completion in early 2016. <br /> ■ Orange County Sportsplex lobby project—This is on schedule and should be <br /> completed by October 31 tn <br /> ■ Orange County Sportsplex mezzanine project—This project was approved by the <br /> Board as part of 2014-15 budget, and the formal request for qualifications will occur <br /> this fall. <br /> ■ Southern Human Services Center campus project—This project is in the pre- <br /> development planning and discussion phase, and it will come back to board with <br /> project scope recommendations and a request to engage the project design team. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> John Roberts referred to the previous question from Commissioner Rich about outside <br /> vendors paying a living wage. He said he was able to look up the statute, and he read it as <br /> follows: <br /> § 153A-449. Contracts with private entities; contractors must use E-Verify. <br /> (a) Authority. -A county may contract with and appropriate money to any person, <br /> association, or corporation, in order to carry out any public purpose that the county is <br /> authorized by law to engage in. A county may not require a private contractor under this <br /> section to abide by any restriction that the county could not impose on all employers in the <br /> county, such as paying minimum wage or providing paid sick leave to its employees, as a <br /> condition of bidding on a contract. <br /> John Roberts said this only limits the County from requiring contractors to abide by <br /> whatever miscellaneous terms the County chose to require. He said the early inspection that <br /> was mentioned would be fine under these terms. <br /> John Roberts said the state legislature adjourned two weeks ago. He said he usually <br /> does a legislative report, but he is having surgery next week on his arm. He will provide this <br /> report as soon as he can. <br /> John Roberts referred to the press release that was put out today. He encouraged the <br /> Board to move forward with caution since there is an open federal investigation. He said he <br /> has been told that the investigation has been closed, but a decision letter has not been issued. <br /> He does not perceive the same level of risk at this point. . <br /> 11. Appointments - NONE <br /> 12. Board Comments <br /> Commissioner porosin said he was at the Orange County ABC board meeting this <br /> month, and they are having record breaking sales. He said there are some controls by state <br /> statute regarding how much money the ABC can retain. He said it is likely that the ABC board <br /> will bump up against those caps. He asked the Chair and Vice Chair to reach out to this board <br /> for a greater amount of that money to come back to the County. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would like to see a detailed report on the small business <br /> loan program. She would like to see information on demographics, gender, age and reasons <br /> for denial, to see how successful this program is and what may need to be done. <br />