Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon said the CHCCS sent out a memo on April 22nd to request <br /> $750,000 to start working on planning for renovation projects, in advance of the possible bond <br /> referendum. She said if this works out, it could delay building a new school. She would like to <br /> see a scenario to show how this could be incorporated. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she would like to know what it would cost to allow people to <br /> access one agenda item at a time instead of downloading the entire agenda packet. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if roll carts have been purchased for rural areas. <br /> Michael Talbert said these have not been purchased, and they are in the proposed <br /> budget. He said these have been scaled down to 7000 roll carts instead of 13,000. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the Eubanks Road Center is included in the Solid Waste <br /> Convenience Center (SWCC) cost, and she asked if this is capital cost or operating cost. <br /> Michael Talbert said it would be both. He said the renovation costs have gone up to <br /> $2.2 million and the debt service would be factored into the operating cost. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said if the County is talking with their partners about all of the <br /> solid waste issues, she wonders if they should they hold back on committing to renovations to <br /> the Eubanks SWCC until these conversations are done. <br /> Michael Talbert said the manager's recommendation is to go ahead and move forward. <br /> He said the improvements at Walnut Grove have made it much more popular and efficient. He <br /> said the Eubanks Road facility is small and outdated, and the closing of the landfill has made it <br /> necessary to fill this gap. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if there was any thought that the County might cooperate <br /> if Chapel Hill were to locate a transfer station at Millhouse. <br /> Michael Talbert said that is possible, but he does not know how likely it is. He said this <br /> is still in the early planning stages and he doesn't know the time frame. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested that this should be flagged for consideration. <br /> Commissioner porosin referred to the Wi-Fi access and said he would be interested in <br /> more information on which of the listed scenarios would give more bang for our buck. He said <br /> the goal is to provide the broadest access possible and he asked if there is a way to evaluate <br /> where you would get the most use. <br /> Jim Northup said he did ask the planning department to provide information on the <br /> number of access points, and he can provide those numbers at a later date. <br /> Commissioner porosin said that would be helpful. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested this could be added to a work session. He said he would like <br /> to see an analysis of where the service already exists, and where it would not be used. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if Jim Northup knows the locations of wireless points around <br /> the County. <br /> Jim Northup said staff does not keep track of private Wi-Fi access. <br /> Chair Jacobs said two County Commissioners have brought up accelerating the <br /> provision for handicap access to buildings in the CIP. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there has been past discussion of a needs assessment for the <br /> Efland Community Center, and he would like to see this somewhere in the CIP. <br /> Paul Laughton said three Life Safety/ADA projects were added this year on page 37 of <br /> the CIP. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there was some discussion accelerating the provision of these <br /> improvements. He said there was no discussion of specific projects, but more of a general <br /> sense of urgency. <br /> Chair Jacobs said if the Board is moving forward with talking about the Southern <br /> Branch Library, there will need to be a more detailed presentation of alternatives. He said the <br /> grand design presented earlier was over budget and it would be useful to see some <br /> alternatives to allow the Board to decide on the higher priority issues. <br />