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Sherriff Pendergrass said this project will need to go forward. He said the daily <br /> capacity last year was 130 inmates per day, and there was an average of 65 federal inmates <br /> daily last year. He said there will need to be at least a 250 bed jail in the near future due to the <br /> impact from state decisions. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he hopes staff is working with the sheriff's department on <br /> the actual layout and design to make sure it works on a daily basis on the ground. <br /> John Sellew said the consultant has been working with them on the preliminary <br /> sketches. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the state may be changing requirements and she asked if <br /> the prisoners will have to go to another County if there is not enough space. <br /> John Sellew said the only alternative if there were not capacity would be to farm these <br /> inmates out to other counties and pay whatever price is being charged. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the advantages and disadvantages of taking <br /> federal inmates. She said her understanding is that the average net income to Orange County <br /> for this relationship is $268,000 in net revenue. She said the capital cost is $7.5 million. She <br /> said if you divide this out, it takes 28 years to reach $7.5 million. She asked for an explanation <br /> of the economy of taking federal prisoners. <br /> Sheriff said he does not know that this can be explained. He said over the last 30 <br /> years the County has probably raised about $60 million from the federal government that could <br /> have been put into an account to build two jails. He said there is a jail with plenty of room and <br /> people pay to stay there. He said the only thing the County has to pay for is the inmates being <br /> there. He said the federal government pays for the rest. He said the federal government has <br /> renovated the jail two times. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to understand this as it relates to the <br /> discussion of increased capacity and whether to build more space. She said they may not <br /> have the full information here in terms of all of the benefits and burdens. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said this started out as a $30 million jail and then there was <br /> discussion of doing it in modules. She said the capacity is down to 216, but it still costs $26 <br /> million for the core facility, which doesn't save a lot. <br /> Cheryl Young said there have been periods of time where the jail is at full capacity with <br /> local inmates. She said the federal inmates are taken when there is space for them, and it is a <br /> way to pay for making certain there is enough space for local inmates. She said it basically <br /> pays for you to have additional capacity when you need it. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said when you modularize and reduce to 216 instead of the full <br /> number you don't save that much money, and she asked why. <br /> Cheryl Young said she try to find out that information and send it out. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this is being worked on by the consultant. He said the whole idea is <br /> that costs can be staged by doing the pods. He said the idea is that some of the cost of a full <br /> build out can be avoided at first, since full capacity won't be needed right away. <br /> John Sellew said the core facility has to be built to withstand expansion. He said to <br /> keep in mind that other counties will be affected by potential legislation as well and they may <br /> not be able to take Orange County inmates. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the core can be thought of like Carrboro High School. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to page 10 and the capital budget booklet. She said the <br /> 5 year total for the proposed jail is $30 million, and then the other document lists a total of <br /> $29.4 million. She does not understand these numbers when you are going down from 250 to <br /> 216. She would like to understand those costs. <br /> Paul Laughton said the $29.4 million includes $2.8 million in debt service. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it would be helpful to get a break down. <br />