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Michael Talbert said customer service is the main benefit. He is not sure there will be <br /> any increase in revenue, as there is already a very high collection rate, and there is no new <br /> collection service being added. <br /> Michael Talbert said they will proceed. <br /> 4. Continuation of Review and Discussion of the Manaqer's Recommended FY 2014- <br /> 19 Capital Investment Plan (CIP) <br /> Paul Laughton said tonight's item is to provide follow up information from the April 10tn <br /> CIP meeting. He went through the hand outs included in the packets. <br /> He said Attachment A is a discussion of the Blackwood Farm Park. He said the original <br /> CIP included an agricultural center and a parks operations base for a total of$6 million. He <br /> noted that all changes in the documents are shown in yellow. He said this attachment shows <br /> the agricultural center was taken out, and only a permanent parks operation base is included, <br /> for a new total of$1.2 million. He referred to a site plan that is also included and he reviewed <br /> the different components of the layout. <br /> Paul Laughton said staff is just asking for comments. He said attachment B also shows <br /> a scenario for an environment and agriculture building on Revere Road, since this has been <br /> taken out of Blackwood Farm. He said staff is happy to prepare other options if the Board has <br /> any suggestions. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked for an explanation of the $147,000 listed in year one. <br /> Paul Laughton said this includes trail constructions, restrooms, parking issues, <br /> equipment, and activities as part of a limited opening. <br /> Dave Stancil said staff is looking at trying to get this facility open on a limited basis by <br /> transferring some existing parks capital funds from other projects. He said this would include <br /> building trails, improving and adding to the parking area, improving the existing driveway, and <br /> possibly creating a picnic shelter, as well as signage throughout the site. He said the vision is <br /> to have this open 2-3 days per week. <br /> Paul Laughton said the next project is outlined in Attachment B with the deconstruction <br /> and reconstruction of an environment and agricultural center. He said this shows the <br /> estimated project budget for a 15,000 square foot main building, as well as 2,000 square feet <br /> of covered storage and yard area. He said this shows the intent of having a building there <br /> where the operations and work at the current building can continue undisturbed during the <br /> construction process. He said deconstruction of the old building would happen after the new <br /> structure was built. <br /> He said the original estimates for this location looked only at keeping the existing <br /> structure as it is now, and doing repairs on the roof, HVAC and parking area to extend the life <br /> expectancy. The cost for this was listed as $1.4 million in year 4. He said this new <br /> construction project was also put in year 4 to show a comparison, and it comes to $3.38 <br /> million. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the use of the term "life expectancy" bothers him when used <br /> for a building. He feels the focus should be on the condition of the building and the necessary <br /> repairs to keep it going. He said there is a danger to assigning a life expectancy on a building <br /> because you are setting up an expectation that it will be replaced. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about the size of the Revere Road parcel. <br /> Jeff Thompson said it is 4 acres and there are 3 structures on the property: Revere <br /> Road Center, Station One, and a storage facility. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he would like to see a full analysis of what the agricultural center <br /> could be on this site. He said there were recommendations and ideas that have not been <br />