Minutes 05-15-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-15-2014
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11/24/2015 11:25:18 AM
Creation date
10/8/2014 9:31:28 AM
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Agenda - 05-15-2014 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2014\Agenda - 05-15-2014 - Budget Work Session
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Michael Talbert said staff would work with the town to negotiate a market rate lease for <br /> a minimum of 5 years with renewable options. He said the town manager is aware of this, and <br /> it would need to be vetted with both units of government. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked for information on the market rate. <br /> Michael Talbert said this would be somewhere in the $15 - $17 range, but the square <br /> footage has not been determined yet <br /> Ken Pennoyer said this would be an open office layout with four 6 x 6 work stations, <br /> and five smaller conference rooms. He said the common area would be split based on the <br /> square footage of the actual work stations. He said the meeting rooms would be on a first <br /> come first serve basis. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the County would be paying rent for access to all five meeting <br /> rooms or just one. <br /> Ken Pennoyer said they would have to agree on a formula for the use of the common <br /> area. He said there would also be a large lobby with computers and kiosks for customers, as <br /> well as a reception area. He said a formula would be created based on the actual work station <br /> area the rest of the common area. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked how many staff will be left in Hillsborough. <br /> Dwane Brinson said there are 39 full time employees in the tax office, so that would <br /> leave about 35 in Hillsborough and 4 in Chapel Hill. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the 3 employees, plus one floater supervisor in <br /> Chapel Hill and asked if this meant there will be no new employees. <br /> Dwane Brinson said yes. He said the only bottleneck in the Hillsborough tax office is <br /> the collections areas. He said the ability to explain things in person will make things much <br /> more efficient. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for more of a ballpark cost on the rental. <br /> Dwane Brinson said they do not know the dimensions yet. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this will all be included in the decision item. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if there is room in Town Hall for this. <br /> Dwane Brinson said yes. He said there was not space in the old building, but there is <br /> room in the newly renovated area of Town Hall. <br /> Commissioner Price said this is a great idea but she has concern about the parking. <br /> Ken Pennoyer said parking has been problematic at Town Hall, but more spaces have <br /> now been designated for customers. He said staff may have to come up with alternative <br /> options for employees, such as parking at the Wallace Deck. He said the parking for <br /> customers is free now, and it will continue to be in the future. <br /> Dwane Brinson said this office is located on the bus route, and this is great for <br /> customers. <br /> Commissioner Rich said this is a great idea. She asked if the equipment in <br /> Hillsborough will be moved or if it will need to be duplicated. <br /> Dwane Brinson said since these positions will be transferring from Chapel Hill, he <br /> assumes there may be some potential to move resources. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the idea of having a tax office where you live is a great one. <br /> Chair Jacobs is supportive of this idea, but he knows there have been problems in the <br /> past with adequate supervision of satellite offices. He hopes the supervisor will keep this in <br /> mind. <br /> Chair Jacobs said a value can't really be placed on convenience, but it may be useful <br /> to have some way to track the increased in efficiency in tax collections. He said this would <br /> show that there is sufficient return on the investment. <br /> Dwane Brinson said staff will come up with some measures to show progress. He said <br /> this could be tracking the increase in listing forms and tax assistance applications. <br />
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