Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b3a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b3a
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8/29/2008 7:54:36 PM
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8/28/2008 9:26:17 AM
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PART 2-3 - FERFORM[ANCE STAND.AItDS: <br />SECTION 2-3-1 LAND USE INTENSITY: <br />Land use intensity for the BVPD shall be regulated in accordance with the following: <br />1. BVPD shall maintain a maximum limit of seventy percent (70%) of impervious surface <br />for the entire project, approximately ninety (90) acres of cumulative impervious stu•face <br />area shall be allowed for the entire project (J Parker April 29, 2008), <br />2. BVPD shall maintain a nu~zninimtun ~ Parker April 29, 2008) percentage of <br />open landscaped space of thirty percent (30%) for the entire project, approximately forty <br />(40) acres, <br />3. BVPD shall.maintain a Maximum Floor Area Ratio of .30 for all buildings constructed <br />.within the project, meaning that open space must be appropriately site planned to <br />maintain required ratio even though the site specific core site plan, less adjacent or <br />disconnected open space, may exceed seventy percent (70%) impervious surface area, <br />4. BVPD shall maintain a Maximum Building Height of six (6) stories for all buildings <br />constructed within the project, <br />5. The allowable impervious surface area, and required open/landscaped space, shall be <br />distributed among the three (3) development districts, meaning that for the entire project <br />there can only be approximately ninety (90) acres of impervious surface area and there <br />has to be, at a minimum forty (40) acres of open/landscaped space, <br />6. Each site plan submitted proposing the development of an individual district, or a single <br />building within a district, shall supply documentation outlining the cumulative total of <br />impervious surface and open/landscape area for the district as well for the BVPD project <br />as a whole in order to verify acceptable levels of developmental intensity, <br />7. Each site plan submitted proposing the development of an individual district, or a single <br />building within a district, shall supply documentation outlining the projects compliance <br />with the Floor Area Ratio standards as contained herein. This documentation shall <br />include an evaluation of the existing Floor Area Ratio for the individual district where <br />the project is located as well for the BVPD project as a whole, <br />.~J Parker April 29, <br />2008 <br />SECTI®N 2-3-2 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: <br />Environmental factors for the BVPD shall be regulated in accordance with the following: <br />1. NOISE: <br />13 <br />
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