Orange County NC Website
all accessory structures deemed by the County as necessary to support the proposed operation <br />not to include those uses listed within the: <br />1. Transportation, Communications, and Utilities, <br />2. Government Uses, and <br />3. Other Uses <br />categories that are deemed necessary to .support, or provide ancillary ameivties to, the <br />development of the District. <br />SECTION 2-2-4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR <br />RESIDENTLAL DEVELOPMENT: <br />The following additional standards shall apply for residential development within the BVPD <br />project: <br />1. There shall be a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the housing units designated as <br />being `affordable housing units', <br />2. Through Deed restrictions and this document, the cost for renting/purchasing/leasing <br />these units shall be based on thirty percent (30%) of the medium family income for <br />Orange County as detailed within the 2000 Census report, <br />SECTION 2-2-5 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - CONVERSION TABLE: <br />The total developed site will contain a maximum 1.144 million square feet of building footprint. <br />Within the entire development there will be a maximum of three (3) hotels, two (2) <br />service/convenience stations and two (2) theater/entertainment centers. <br />The following conversion factors allow the flexibility of converting retail space to hotel rooms, <br />theater seats, or condominium units. These factors will be used as site plans are developed to <br />maintain the integrity of the traffic impact analysis. The net result in using these conversion <br />factors will be to hold constant the anticipated traffic generation to and from the site. <br />USE RETAIL EQUIVALENT CONVERSION FACTOR <br /> (30,000 s ware feet of retail) <br /> •0067 units /square foot of <br />Residential, Multi-family Two hundred (200) units retail <br /> 'Three hundred eighty-five .0128 units /square foot of <br />Indoor Theater (385 seats retail <br /> .0053 units /square foot of <br />Hotel 160 rooms retail <br />11 <br />