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ATTACHMENT 2 <br />13 <br />After identifying projects from the Plan to implement, the County would apply through <br />the NCDOT Division 7 office. Project funding is based on project priority with as much <br />local support as possible (Schools, PTA, Superintendent, municipalities, BOCC, <br />supporting plans, etc.), and projects from the Plan with multiple purposes /greater impact <br />are favored. If, for example, a proposed project for CW Stanford Middle School met the <br />objectives of the SRTS program, but also happened to provide a benefit to the Orange <br />High School, that is acceptable and even encouraged. <br />Post expenditure of the existing SAFETEA -LU SRTS Program funds, future funding for <br />SRTS projects will be with TAP funds. The Federal share will be the same as for the <br />general Federal -aid highway program: 80 percent Federal /20 percent State or local <br />match. Also, to address the shift in funding programs, prioritized SRTS projects will be <br />included on the list of future year projects submitted for SPOT 3.0 scoring. <br />The recommended first step in successful future SRTS project funding is the adoption of <br />the Plan by Orange County, Orange County Schools, and the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Adoption of the SRTS Action Plan demonstrates local commitment to the objectives of <br />the SRTS program and serves to incentivize NCDOT to fund local projects in a <br />competitive atmosphere. Some haste with the adoption and future project submission <br />processes is recommended given the limited remaining pool of 100% federally funded <br />SAFETEA -LU money. <br />IMPLEMENTATION <br />The SRTS Action Plan emphasizes that successful implementation will require the <br />dedication of local government staff, commitment of the school system and local <br />schools, the creation of a SRTS Advisory Committee, and the continued support of local <br />advocates and parents. The recommended first step is the adoption of the Plan by <br />Orange County, Orange County Schools, and the Town of Hillsborough. Adoption of <br />the SRTS Action Plan demonstrates local commitment and incentivizes NCDOT to fund <br />local projects. The second recommended step is to establish a SRTS Action Plan <br />Advisory Committee (SRTS APAC). Planning staff's initial thought is that the SRTS <br />Advisory Committee be a sub - committee of the OUTBoard, supplemented by additional <br />staff from other agencies /jurisdictions as needed. The Advisory Committee would be <br />responsible for advocating plan implementation and assist with programming and grant <br />writing, evaluating plan progress, and assessing plan priorities. Multiple subsequent <br />implementation action steps are outlined and prioritized in the Plan, the fruition of which <br />would be subject to the recommendations of the Advisory Committee and the approval <br />of the BOCC, School Board, and Town of Hillsborough. <br />Lead Planning Agency Role <br />Orange County will serve as the Lead Planning Agency in advancing implementation of <br />the SRTS Action Plan. <br />7 <br />