Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 2 <br />12 <br />• Crossing Improvement Projects (9) along US 70, Orange High School Road, NC <br />86, and Gwen Road. <br />• Traffic Calming Measures along US 70. <br />• On- campus Improvements (sidewalks, crosswalks, bicycle racks, curb ramps). <br />• Enhance `cut throughs' to school from neighborhoods to the north and west. <br />• Follow Town of Hillsborough's sidewalk/greenway planning. <br />Cameron Park Elementary School Projects Identified in the SRTS Action Plan: <br />• Corridor Improvement Projects (11) (sidewalks, bicycle lanes, greenway trails) <br />along Cameron Street, St. Mary's Road, US 70, Queen Street, Thomas Ruffin <br />Street, and several new off -road sites. <br />• Crossing Improvement Projects (4) along Thomas Ruffin Street, St. Mary's Road, <br />Cameron Street, and Churton Street. <br />• Traffic Calming Measures along Queen Street, Thomas Ruffin Street, Cameron <br />Street, and St. Mary's Road. <br />• Off - campus Improvements (bicycle racks, crossing guards, left -turn restrictions, <br />alleviating conflicts with parking areas). <br />• Pedestrian signals at signalized intersections along Churton Street. <br />PROJECT FUNDING <br />The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program was established in the 2005 Safe, <br />Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users <br />(SAFETEA -LU) legislation as a federally- funded grant reimbursement program <br />providing an opportunity for communities to improve conditions for bicycling and walking <br />to school. The SRTS program is a reimbursement program that does not require a local <br />match (100% federally funded). Section 1404 of SAFETEA -LU mandated that the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) administer this program within the <br />state, providing financial assistance to state, local, and regional agencies, including <br />non - profit organizations that demonstrate an ability to meet the requirements of the <br />program. <br />There were some revisions to federal and state funding sources in October 2012 that <br />will impact future funding sources for the Safe Routes to School program. Specifically, <br />the federal Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Bill (MAP -21) SRTS program <br />direct allocation funds were removed. MAP -21 authorized the Transportation <br />Alternatives Program (TAP) to provide funding for programs and projects defined as <br />transportation alternatives, including safe routes to school projects. The TAP replaced <br />the funding from pre- MAP -21 programs, including the SRTS program. <br />However, NCDOT staff has advised the Planning staff that there will continue to be <br />SAFETEA -LU funds available for the program under its rolling grant cycle. It is <br />anticipated that these funds will be continued on an annual basis through FFY 2014 (i.e. <br />September 2015). SAFETEA -LU funds apportioned for the SRTS Program prior to <br />MAP -21 are available until expended. In 2012 the North Carolina SRTS Program <br />received an allocation of $4,699,927, from which projects have been funded in Chapel <br />Hill, Asheville, Greenville, Mooresville, and Brevard. <br />A <br />