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ATTACHMENT 2 <br />SRTS PROJECTS <br />11 <br />The SRTS program allows for a great variety of programs that can be implemented. <br />Eligible SRTS projects can be bundled as infrastructure and non - infrastructure. Funding <br />can include training volunteers, street crossings, safety and Intelligent Transportation <br />Systems (ITS), bicycle /pedestrian lanes, etc. All projects must be within two (2) miles of <br />a K -8 school. <br />In response to previous questions from Commissioners regarding whether the SRTS <br />Program will allow projects for high schools, staff has learned that the NCDOT SRTS <br />Program will fund only those activities that specifically plan for improvements and <br />programs that promote safe, active travel to K -8 schools, however the benefit of a <br />project does not have to be exclusively for a K -8 school addressed by the Plan. While <br />project inclusion in the adopted plan is encouraged, not all projects must be included in <br />the adopted SRTS plan. Projects from the Plan with multiple purposes /greater impact <br />are favored. If, for example, a proposed project for CW Stanford Middle School met the <br />objectives of the SRTS program, but also happened to provide a benefit to the Orange <br />High School, that is acceptable and even encouraged. <br />However, there are projects that are not allowed. The following are ineligible activities: <br />• Recurring costs, such as school crossing guards <br />• Pick -up and drop -off sites <br />• Educational focus buses <br />• Bus stop improvements <br />The NCDOT SRTS Program will fund only those activities that specifically plan for <br />improvements and programs that promote safe, active travel to K -8 schools and while <br />project inclusion in the adopted plan is encouraged, not all projects must be included in <br />the adopted SRTS plan. <br />A variety of sources were consulted during the development of the infrastructure <br />recommendations: <br />• Plans and studies <br />• Existing conditions <br />• The Consultant's fieldwork inventory <br />• Public input <br />• Noted patterns of development <br />Grady Brown Elementary Projects Identified in the SRTS Action Plan: <br />• Project #1: New Grady Brown School Road Sidewalk and Midblock Crossing <br />• Project #2: Orange Grove Road / 1 -40 Bridge Pedestrian Facilities <br />• Project #3: Oakdale Road Safety Improvements <br />• Project #4: Patriots Pointe Trail Connection <br />CW Stanford Middle School Projects Identified in the SRTS Action Plan: <br />• Corridor Improvement Projects (8) (sidewalks, multi -use paths) along Orange <br />High School Road, US 70, Harold Latta Road, Miller Road, NC 86, NC 57, and <br />along new off -road multi -use paths. <br />