Orange County NC Website
ARTICLE 7 SECTION 7 5 2 PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF APPLICATION AS SUBMITTED (`Yes' indicates <br />complaint ; `No' indicates non-compliance) <br />ORDINANCE <br />REQUIREMENTS <br />STAFF <br />FINDINGS <br />EVIDENCE SUBMITTED <br />RECOMMENDED <br />PLANNING <br />BOARD FINDINGS <br />7.5.2 Preliminary Review <br />of Application as <br />Submitted: <br />On receipt of .the application <br />and preliminary concept plan <br />and detailed proposals as <br />indicated previously, the <br />Zoning Officer shall cause a <br />study to be made by qualified <br />representatives of the County <br />and such other agencies or <br />officials ~ as appear <br />appropriate in the <br />circumstances of the case to <br />determine conformity with the <br />Comprehensive Plan, and to <br />zoning, and subdivision <br />regulations, soil erosion and <br />sedimentation regulations, as <br />well as the specific <br />regulations and standards <br />related to specific classes of <br />PD districts contained in this <br />article, applicable in the case. <br />TO SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />The Zoning Officer caused <br />an internal staff review of <br />the application to determine <br />compliance with all <br />applicable regulations that <br />could impact the project. <br />The Zoning Officer <br />X Yes No determined that there was <br />sufficient information to <br />allow for the formal <br />acceptance of the <br />application and allow the <br />project to move forward <br />through the review process. <br />Yes No <br />S:\BOCC\2008 BOCC Agendas\06-03-08\Buckhorn Village\Attachment 4.doc <br />