Orange County NC Website
INFORMATION ITEM - Attachment 6 - B <br />O <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES <br />200 South Cameron Street Clarence G. Grier, CPA, CITP, CGMA Phone (919) 245 -2553 <br />Post Office Box 8181 Assistant County Manager — CFO Fax (919) 644 -3324 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Assembly of Governments <br />From: Clarence Grier, Assistant County Manager — Chief Finance Officer <br />Date: November 21, 2013 <br />Re: Potential Bond Issue <br />Over the past few months, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners has discussed <br />the need for a future bond referendum to fund some county and school long -range capital needs. <br />The anticipated issuance of general obligation bonds will be for two of the County's largest projects: <br />New County Jail Facility and Middle School #5 for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School District total a <br />combined $73.2 million dollars and both projects are included in the current County Capital Investment <br />Plan for the fiscal years 2015 - 2020. <br />An additional project that has been discussed is Elementary #8 for Orange County Schools, but this <br />project is not scheduled until FY 2021 -2022. Affordable housing, lands legacy, and park projects could <br />potentially be included on a potential bond referendum. <br />Based on the County's current financial position, to afford the additional debt, the County would <br />potentially have to increase the property tax rate 2.82 cents for the new debt service. This projected <br />tax increase would not include any future other operating expenditure increases and or any future <br />operating expenditure increases related directly to the new facilities and schools being built. <br />The Orange County's current bond ratings are as follows <br />• S &P - AAA <br />• Fitch - AAA <br />• Moody's - Aa1 positive outlook <br />It is currently expected that projects totaling $100 -125 million could be financed with the issuance of <br />general obligation or limited obligation bonds over a period not to exceed 20 years. At current <br />municipal bond interest rates, the total combined debt service for $100 million is estimated to be $6.7 <br />million annually. This would represent 4.18 cents on the current property tax rate. <br />