Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses 15 <br />Section 5.7: Standards for Recreational Uses <br />(5) Loudspeakers and public address systems shall not be used before 7 a.m. or <br />after 7 p.m. if an existing residence is located within 1,000 feet of the facility, <br />unless approved otherwise in the permit. <br />(6) Special events shall cease no later than 9 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday or <br />11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, unless approved otherwise in the permit. <br />(7) Food services are not allowed unless approved in the permit. <br />(8) Retail sales and facility tours are intended to be minor components of the overall <br />use as a microbrewery that produces craft malt beverages. Retail sales may <br />include complementary items but are intended to be comprised primarily of <br />products produced on -site. The permit may specify limits to these activities. <br />5.6.14 Winery with Major Events <br />(A) Standards for ASE -CZ or MPD -CZ Zoning Districts <br />(1) In addition to the requirements in Section 2.9, the following information shall be <br />submitted with the application materials: <br />(a) Description of special events to be held on -site, including frequency of <br />events, hours of operation, anticipated attendance, and any other <br />pertinent details. <br />(b) Location of overflow parking area(s) if required parking is not anticipated <br />to accommodate all special events. <br />(c) A map depicting surrounding uses and the distance to residential <br />structures. <br />(d) A description of retail sales and facility tours, if proposed. <br />(2) Site shall have direct access to major road, as classified in the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan, and shall use said road as the primary access, unless <br />approved otherwise in the permit. <br />(3) If located adjacent to residentially zoned property, all structures, facilities, storage <br />areas, and parking areas shall be setback a minimum of 100 feet from all <br />property lines. <br />(4) Major events may attract more than 150 people at one time and may occur more <br />frequently than twelve times per year. <br />(5) Loudspeakers and public address systems shall not be used before 7 a.m. or <br />after 7 p.m. if an existing residence is located within 1,000 feet of the facility, <br />unless approved otherwise in the permit. <br />(6) Special events shall cease no later than 9 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday or <br />11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, unless approved otherwise in the permit. <br />(7) Food services are not allowed unless approved in the permit. <br />(8) The permit may limit the frequency of events. <br />(9) Retail sales are intended to be comprised primarily of products produced on -site <br />but may include complementary items. <br />5.7eational Facilities <br />(A) General <br />(1) The standards includ <br />recreati i ies: <br />(a) Tennis clubs, <br />to the following for - profit <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 5 -59 <br />