Agenda - 11-21-2013 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-21-2013 - Assembly of Governments
Agenda - 11-21-2013 - 1
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6/16/2015 3:03:08 PM
Creation date
10/7/2014 9:58:24 AM
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Minutes 11-21-2013
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Attachment II <br />. Town of Chapel Hill <br />405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 -5705 <br />(p) 919 968 -8406 <br /> <br />Affordable Housina Strateav Statement: <br />The Town of Chapel Hill's goal is to increase the availability of and access to housing for households and individuals with a <br />range of incomes, from those who are homeless to those in middle- income households. The Town of Chapel Hill will work with <br />for - profit and non - profit housing providers to offer a variety of housing opportunities that will promote socioeconomic diversity; <br />provide individuals with the ability to remain in Chapel Hill through different stages in their lives; and support employee <br />recruitment and retention. <br />Goal Statements <br />1) Support solutions and programs that offer affordable housing options along the entire continuum of housing <br />need <br />a) Research and quantify the number, type, and location of affordable housing units that are needed and desired by the <br />community <br />b) Maintain a commitment to providing affordable homeownership opportunities <br />c) Focus on the development of affordable rental housing for a variety of lifestyles, which includes studio units, <br />supportive housing units, universal access units, and units for families <br />d) Support the reuse and redevelopment of property that can be developed into affordable housing <br />e) Research, develop, and identify funding sources for a middle- income housing program, such as a revolving loan fund <br />f) Support the ability for senior citizens to age -in -place or transition to affordable housing within the community <br />g) Work with affordable housing providers to develop a sustainable housing maintenance program <br />h) Develop a policy for the acceptance of an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance payment -in -lieu option <br />2) Advocate for a sustainable community that balances economic vitality, social equity, and environmental <br />protection <br />a) Ease the residential tax burden by increasing the non - residential tax base consistent with the principles of the Town's <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />b) Evaluate the impact that adopted policies and regulations, such as the zoning regulations, neighborhood <br />conservation districts and the urban services boundary, have on housing cost and development <br />c) Link affordable housing policies with transportation needs and costs <br />d) Work with community partners to support the rights of renters and landlords <br />e) Develop affordable, off - campus student rental housing along transportation corridors in order to reduce the <br />conversion of single - family properties into student rental units <br />f) Address the development pressures on the Pine Knolls and Northside neighborhoods by supporting a housing and <br />cultural preservation program in the neighborhoods <br />3) Pursue creative partnerships on a local and regional level <br />a) Continue efforts to streamline the Town's development review process to reduce the cost of development <br />b) Research and assemble incentive packages that encourage the development of mixed - income housing <br />c) Identify and develop local funding sources <br />d) Explore innovative solutions to reduce the cost of non - mortgage related housing costs such as energy expenses, <br />homeowner association dues, and taxes <br />e) Expand the financial support available to non - profit housing providers both for operating and project expenses <br />f) Consider solutions that include partnering with the County, other municipalities, and major employers <br />Adopted by the Town Council on June 13, 2011 <br />
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