Orange County NC Website
2 <br />• There is a continued consideration that mobile homes provide affordable housing <br />for many in the community. Therefore, preservation of existing mobile homes and <br />mobile home parks continues to be important particularly in the unincorporated <br />areas of the County. The Advisory Board plans to revisit a 2007 Manufactured <br />Housing Survey to begin to improve its knowledge on the subject matter. <br />• Together, the Advisory Board and the Centre for Homeownership and Economic <br />Development Corporation continue to refine a proposal to create an Affordable <br />Housing Clearinghouse to be known as the Orange County Clearinghouse Network. <br />This network would create a housing referral network countywide for individuals <br />seeking affordable housing information and opportunity. Attachment I provides a <br />brief overview of the proposed Clearinghouse. <br />• There is continued interest in advocating for a future housing bond referendum. All <br />proceeds from the last housing bond in 2001 have been committed to affordable <br />housing projects in the County. <br />Additionally, the County maintains the Consolidated Housing Plan for Housing and <br />Community Development Programs in the County as required to be eligible for various <br />HUD funding programs. This plan is due for revision in 2015, thus efforts should be <br />underway in 2014. This can provide an opportunity to incorporate the needs and <br />strategies each local government, thereby expanding its relevance beyond HUD <br />requirements. The current Consolidated Plan may be found at: <br />htto:/ / /housina/ documents /FY2010- 2015ConPlan- 51410.Ddf <br />II. Town of Chapel Hill <br />Affordable Housing Strategy <br />On June 13, 2011, the Town approved an Affordable Housing Strategy that provides a <br />framework for consideration of affordable housing issues in Chapel Hill. A copy of the <br />Strategy is attached as Attachment II. <br />Mayor's Committee on Affordable Rental Housing <br />Additionally, in May 2013, Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt established a Committee <br />on Affordable Rental Housing with the following charge. <br />• Use research and data available and the expertise of the Committee to develop for Town <br />Council consideration, short, medium and long term options, consistent with the <br />Affordable Housing Strategy and the Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan, that meet the <br />community's affordable rental housing needs that the Council could apply to <br />development applications that propose rental housing; and <br />• Foster collaborative conversations among the Town, the private sector, and other <br />community stakeholders to explore possible partnerships and financial resources to <br />increase the availability of affordable rental housing in Chapel Hill. <br />The Committee, led by Councilmembers Sally Greene and Donna Bell presented the <br />Committee's recommendations to the Council on October 15, 2013. The <br />