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Attachment IV 14 <br />ATTACHMENT B <br />Affordable Housing Task Force Recommendations <br />(Submitted by Aldermen Coleman, Slade, and Johnson, December 4, 2012) <br />At the close of four meetings, the Affordable Housing Task Force identified two areas of <br />recommendations to share with the full Board of Aldermen: modify the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) to <br />allow more flexibility in the way that developers can meet the Town's affordable housing goals, and <br />consider ways to create funds to use toward affordable housing. <br />With regard to potential amendments to the LUO, the Task Force focused on two distinct areas: A) the <br />payment in -lieu option and B) the small house (size - limited) requirement. The full complement would <br />include the following four elements. <br />1) Reduce the number of affordable units from 15 percent to 12 percent, while also reducing the <br />cost of the unit from 80 percent AMI to 65 percent AMI (Area Median Income). <br />2) Add more flexibility to the program by allowing developers to build some units and pay some <br />payment in lieu fees for other units —but requiring a minimum of 5% built units <br />3) Retain the density bonus only for the built units, allow developers to use the affordable housing <br />density bonus ratio only for those units actually constructed (units paid for using the in -lieu of <br />option would not count toward the density bonus allotment), providing the bonus only on built <br />units provides an incentive for developers to build more houses and make fewer payments in <br />lieu. <br />4) Examine the existing provision in the LUO that allows developers to build some affordable <br />housing units in the 40 percent required open space area, and consider possible modifications. <br />For example, allow developers, who agree to construct the full 12 percent of affordable units, to <br />construct a portion of those units in the open space area so long as the open space is not less <br />than 20 percent of the project site. <br />The Task Force also discussed the issue of federal and state affordable housing funds, which have <br />diminished significantly during the economic recession and are unlikely to return to earlier levels. The <br />Town may wish to consider an affordable housing bond or allocating existing funds from Town resources <br />to use toward an affordable housing purpose, such as buying land or establishing a revolving loan <br />program. Another potential use of affordable housing funds would allow the Town to purchase <br />affordable units, which have received their certificates of occupancy (CO) but have not yet been <br />purchased to a qualified homebuyer through the Community Home Trust program. Developers have <br />indicated that the holding costs for developers waiting for these housing to be purchased can become a <br />substantial burden. <br />A number of other ideas were discussed, some of which the Board may wish to consider as part of a <br />more comprehensive approach toward a long -term affordable housing strategy. These include up- zoning <br />for density increases, particularly in key locations along public transportation routes. And, finally, <br />creating or encouraging the creation of an affordable housing advocacy group —a private or non - profit <br />coalition building effort to continue to keep the issue in the forefront and to promote local affordable <br />housing needs within the community and to state and federal legislators. <br />