Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b5a
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8/28/2008 9:25:00 AM
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7 <br />• 1 allow a couple of people speak just to the rezoning request. With that said, I'd like to introduce <br />~2 Ms. Rosemary Waldorf. <br />3 <br />4 Rosemary Waldorf: 1 have been sworn. We really appreciate this opportunity to present to <br />5 you the details of the proposal for this mixed-use development. Several members of our team <br />6 area going to be speaking to our proposal this evening as will planning, engineering, and other <br />7 design experts. We look forward to your questions. I'd like to begin by saying who we are and <br />8 how we got involved. We are an Orange County team. The partners in Buckhorn Associates <br />9 are three established local development groups. East/West Partners Management Company, <br />10 which is represented here by Roger Perry and Ben Perry is a developer of residential and <br />11 mixed-use projects. Examples include Meadowmont and East 54 in Chapel Hill, Cary Parkin <br />12 Cary, and Davis Park in Research Triangle Park. Tryon Investment Group is another part of <br />13 Buckhorn Associates, and it is owned and managed by George Horton. George has developed <br />14 residential and mixed-use projects in Orange County, including Meadowlands.and the Gateway <br />15 Center in Hillsborough. Montgomery Development is a commercial construction firm~that has <br />16 .built retail space in 4.5 states and is owned and managed by John Fugo, who is here this <br />17 evening. John also has been a partner in the design and construction of The Village Center in <br />18 Southern Village, and 1've worked with John for several years and am working with him on this <br />19 praject. <br />ZO How did we get here? In March of 2007, the County's Economic Development Director, <br />21 Dianne Reid asked us to consider a destination retail project for the Buckhorn Road EDD. The <br />22 County had received indications from national destination retail companies that they were very <br />23 interested in this site. In response to Dianne's inquiry, our group researched the site and we <br />24 formed Buckhorn Associates, with the intent of creating a predominantly retail development, and <br />25 gained control of key pieces of property. That makes it sound a lot faster and easier than it was, <br />~ 26 but that's what we did. We've tried very hard to pursue what we perceive to be the County's <br />27 goals by proposing a praject that is in the EDD. The County went through a very careful public <br />28 process to establish its desire that development occur here. If successful, I think Buckhorn <br />29 Village. could potentially accomplish one of your economic development goals of adding $125 <br />30 million worth of commercial space in Orange County and adding new private sector jobs. If <br />31 successful, we think that Buckhorn Village could provide many new shops and services to <br />32 Orange County citizens and would help stem that exodus of retail dollars. We'd like to thank <br />33 Craig Benedict and Mike Harvey for their professionalism. They've helped us get through what <br />34 is a difficult preparation process. We'd also like to thank the Town of Mebane. At their request, <br />35 we met with neighbors of the Clearview subdivision and members of the People for Progress. <br />36 It's important to state, I think, that the success of Buckhorn Village will depend on our ability to <br />37 attract a variety of stores and restaurants. We would work hard, if approved, to bring natioral, <br />38 regional, and local businesses to this center. I know that a lot of people are curious about <br />39 potential tenants, particularly a potential anchor tenant. There has been lots of speculation, but <br />40 at this time, we have nothing to report. Our leasing agents can't really conclude any <br />41 negotiations until we finish the review process with the County. We also view Buckhorn Village <br />42 as an opportunity for local businesses, and we will recruit existing local businesses that wish to <br />43 expand and new ones that are considering a store. Thanks again for your time, care, and <br />44 consideration. I'd like to introduce Jim Parker of Summit Consulting, which is a Hillsborough <br />45 consulting engineering firm that has taken primary responsibility for preparation of our <br />46 application. <br />47 <br />48 Jirn Par6cer: I have been sworn in. I again also want to commend your Planning staff, which <br />49 has been very professional, tremendously helpful, and we could not be here without their <br />50 professional guidance. Summit has also worked closely with Scott Murray, who has sub- <br />51 consulted on this project,. and Scott will be up to speak in a few minutes. He's done a <br /> <br />
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