Orange County NC Website
9 <br />6 <br />1 ®Two large retail centers in Alamance and Durham County located along the interstate <br />2 approximately 40 miles apart ~~ <br />3 ®Buckhorn Village will be located half-way between these two developments <br />4 . RESULTS: <br />5 ®Drive time and distance to shopping will be reduced <br />6 ®Most customers will be driving less than 12 miles <br />7 ®More customers driving shorter distances <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 Population inside Mass service areas map 1 (map) <br />11 Distance to Current Retail Centers (map) <br />12 . <br />13 Sustainability <br />14 ®Sustainability is a balance of community goals. <br />15 o Public actions at times have different emphases around the intersection of the three goals. <br />16 <br />17 RECOMMENDATIONS <br />18 ~ Receive the applications of Planned Development rezoning and Class A Special Use <br />19 Permit <br />20 + Receive the Zoning Officer's assessment reportJrecommendation on the applications <br />21 o Conduct a Public Hearing on the applications <br />22 o Adjourn the Joint Public Hearing (both boards) to a specific date ,time ,and <br />23 place <br />24 (See the Process Timeline Options) <br />25 • Refer to the Planning Board to allow additional written comments as appropriate prior to ~ C <br />26 the reconvening of the Joint Public Hearing. as decided. above. <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 Chair Jacobs asked for an update on the water and sewer analysis for the Buckhorn <br />30 Road area and the zoning outside of the EDD. He asked if this development would affect the <br />31 zoning outside of this area. <br />32 Craig Benedict said that there was a presentation on February 19~' given to the Board of <br />33 County Commissioners by the County Engineer on the Northern Buckhorn/Central Efland Sewer <br />34 Project. This design is complete .and going through the review process at the State level. This <br />35 will go out to bid later this year. The construction is a 12-month timeline. The Board asked the <br />36 .County Engineer and the Manager's office to be diligent in monitoring the timeframe on this <br />37 project. <br />38 Regarding the second question, Craig Benedict said that the EDD was designated on <br />39 the land use map, the zoning map, the water and sewer boundary map, and the growth <br />40 management map in the 90's and into the 2000'x. It is a very specific plan that limits economic <br />41 development-type activities to particular boundaries: The Orange County land use and zoning <br />42 maps have been specific over the years with these limitations, and staff has held to these <br />43 limitations. There will be no spillage of these areas over into adjacent areas. <br />44 ~ Craig Benedict.asked the applicants to state their names and tell the Clerk if they have <br />45 been sworn in. Staff will write down any questions that the public or boards have and will <br />46 accept written comments. <br />47 . <br />48 APPLICANTS: <br />49 Bill Hutchinson: I represent the applicant. My client has a presentation, so before we get to ~ <br />SO the formalities associated with the quasi judicial part of it, I would respectfully request that you <br />