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~~ <br />Question #15 Commissioner Gordon -Transportation planning /road <br />widening /Inner circulation? ~ ~, <br />The Buckhorn Village project will be guided by the traffic impact analysis for roadway <br />improvements, entrance and exit locations, and signalization. These infrastructure <br />improvements will increase the current capacity of Buckhorn Road and thus reduce the <br />current delays and traffic jams that exist on a under capacity road. Widening of Buckhorn <br />Road will predominantly occur within the existing right-of-way; Should additional right- <br />of-way be required the property will be purchased based on fair market value to the <br />owners. It is too early to determine if additional right of way will be needed. <br />The current projected timeline fore Buckhorn is a mid 2010 construction start. The overall <br />build-out would last 4-5 years, with traffic improvements occurring during that span of <br />time. Offsite road improvements will be coordinated in conjunction with each district <br />build-out. <br />Buckhorn Village will not create significant additional traffic volume. Instead, significant <br />existing travel from point A to point B on the' interstate would have the opportunity to <br />make a shorter trip to point C, Buckhorn Village. A major mixed-use center located half <br />way between Alamance Crossing and The Streets at Southpointe should reduce vehicle <br />miles traveled for many shoppers, thus reducing overall carbon emissions. Buckhorn <br />Village is designed to integrate with the future mass transit routes and be a destination <br />point along future transportation corridors. <br />~~ <br />Question #16 Commissioner Gordon -Transit Regional east-west general <br />vs. specific? <br />The Buckhorn Development plan incorporates mass transit components into the land use <br />plan and the associated exhibits. Other mass transit opportunities are welcome for <br />discussion. <br />Question #17 Commissioner Gordon - Walkability? <br />The proposed plan for Buckhorn Village is not a mall facility. This development will <br />have three distinct areas, all accessed and interconnected by streets and sidewalks. <br />Buckhorn Village will provide a pedestrian friendly experiencewith three distinct design <br />approaches. Please refer to our application and note the design concepts for Promenade, <br />Commons, and Free Standing Anchor. The proposed plan provides 5-7 minute walks <br />between Districts and complete walkability internally within each District. <br />Question #18 Commissioner Gordon -Traffic volume off interstate to site? <br />The traffic impact analysis indicates that existing average daily traffic on the interstate is <br />86,000 vehicle trips a day. The analytical assumption is that approximately 80% of the ~ <br />