Orange County NC Website
1~~°~ lJ ~~ ~ 19 <br />1 a. Telecommunications Towers: Amendments to.promote consistency with <br />December 1, 2007 revisions to NC General Statutes concerning Wireless <br />3 Telecommunications Facilities. <br />4 <br />5 Craig Benedict said that the County has now amended its ordinances to be consistent <br />6 with the State, and certain processes that promote co-location have been streamlined. Also, the <br />7 fees. that are collected allow the County to have experts on behalf of the County to research the <br />8 issues for public safety purposes. The balloon requirements have been amended for better . <br />9 visibility. Also, there are more detailed requirements for approval. This is a major change to the <br />10 Telecommunications ordinance. These amendments will continue to be able to have a Master <br />11 Telecommunications Plan to promote the limited amount of towers and more co-location. This <br />12 is to be consistent with State law. The ordinance was reformatted, but the good ideas from the <br />13 previous ordinance were not lost. He thanked the Attorney's Office for helping with this <br />14 amendment. <br />15 Chair Jacobs asked, after all is said and done, if this would wind up about the same <br />16 place that it was or significantly under where it was. He cannot imagine that the legislation will <br />17 let the County actually have more control. <br />18 Mr. Speaker said that the short answer is you did not lose any regulatory authority, you <br />19 just have to do several things differently. <br />20 Jay Bryan said that the general sense is that towers can be placed anywhere in the <br />21 County if they fit a set of criteria, and the public really has no ability to prevent individual towers <br />22 from being located if they meet the various criteria in the ordinance. <br />23 Craig Benedict said that the criteria are there to protect against the proliferation of <br />24 towers. For example, the need for the tower has to be proven and that there are not alternate <br />25 locations that could also serve the need. The federal government has certain interests to allow <br />'~?6 the information highway to proceed. It is not an easy denial in those cases. <br />Z7 <br />28 PUBLIC COMIV(ENT: <br />29 NONE. <br />30 <br />31 A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />32 forward the matter to the Planning Board for review and comment with a request that a <br />33 recommendation be submitted back to the BOGC no later than May 20, 2008. <br />34 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 b. Planned Development: Amendments to address inconsistencies between existing <br />38 ordinance requirements and NC General Statutes, specifically the requirement that <br />39 imposed conditions be mutually agreed upon by the County and petitioner. <br />40 <br />41 Zoning Administrator Michael Harvey introduced this item. He said that he has been <br />42 working on this with the Attorney's Office. As the Attorney's Office and staff began earnest work <br />43 on developing the conditional use process as well as beginning to finalize work on the <br />44 Agricultural Services Enterprise project, it was discovered that there were several provisions in <br />45 the existing ordinance that were not consistent with some recent changes of the general statute <br />46 regular standards, specifically focusing on how conditions are proposed in certain projects. At <br />47 the time it was suggested that it was essential to bring the~existing regulatory standards in line <br />48 with general statute requirements. The proposal is to amend Article 7 and modify how <br />49 conditions are proposed for planned development projects. Essentially the change would <br />50 require that any condition proposed be initially agreed to by the Board of County Commissioners <br />l~ <br />