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'\~ <br />~~~~~ ~ ~1~. V V ~~ ~ 18 <br />1 Judith Wegner: What's the rush. I mean, this is an important set of deliberations for meeting <br />2 multiple times a week on the Comprehensive Plan. I would think we'd want to bring it closure (~. <br />3 before you take your break, if that's appropriate. You've seen us die off one at a time here from <br />4 sickness or exhaustion or whatever, and we really want to do justice by the Comp Plan material <br />5 for you too, so if you want us to proceed, you've got to cut us a little bit of slack, please. <br />6 <br />7 Sam Lasris: I want to give the. public the opportunity to receive the material if there is an open <br />8 house, but is there going to be some time allowed for that? <br />9 <br />10 Chair Jacobs: We need to work back from the fact that in June, we're going to be pretty <br />11 involved in the budget, and we're going to adjourn at the end of June. So, somewhere in <br />12 between there, we're going to need a recommendation`from you, and we may need a fair <br />13 amount of time to discuss this as well, especially considering how difficult it's going to be for us <br />14 to even schedule an extra meeting, so we'll have to do this as part of one of our regularly <br />15 scheduled meetings and we probably won't get much else done: I'm still looking for something <br />16 that's a compromise, preferably before the public hearing on the 19t" of May, but if not, certainly <br />17 before the end of June, I mean before the start of June. <br />18 <br />19 Jay Bryan: What about after the public hearing on May 19`". <br />20 <br />21 Jeffrey Schmidt: One option to throw on the table in addition to this is that if we wanted to <br />22 defer the completion of the Comprehensive Plan three months. <br />23 <br />24 -Jay Bryan: Craig, do you have the Planning Board's meeting schedule regarding the updated <br />25 Comprehensive Plan? <br />26 (~_ <br />27 Craig Benedict: Actually, there is roughly aten-day, it s called a hiatus, after we prepare the <br />28 agenda for May 19~', roughly May 9t" to the 19~', there is nothing. The documents would have <br />29 been prepared by that time. No special joint meetings occur from roughly May 9~' to the 19~'. <br />30 So, there is some time prior to that quarterly public hearing. Maybe May 7t" and May 14~', like <br />31 two Wednesdays in a row. <br />32 <br />33 Chair Jacobs: Why don't we refer to the Planning Board for May 7t", and then you can decide <br />34 when you want to meet a second time to get it to us by the beginning of June. Maybe that will <br />35 work. <br />36, <br />37 Geof Gledhill: Let me suggest that another way of saying that would be to refer it to the <br />38 Planning Board for a recommendation back to you no later than, pick some date and let them <br />39 decide on the meeting. <br />40 <br />41 Chair Jacobs: No later than June 3`d, which is our regularly scheduled meeting. <br />42 <br />43 Geaf Gledhill: And then you would continue this public hearing until June 3`~. <br />44 <br />45 A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee; seconded by Commissioner Carey to - <br />46 refer the Buckhorn Road Associates LLC Rezoning and Ciass A Special Use Permit <br />47 application to the .Planning Board for a recommendation back to the County <br />48 Commissioners no later than June 3`d. The public hearing will be left. open until that time. <br />49 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />50 <br />51 2. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments: <br />